A knot of hybrids: differentiating Asian knotweeds in North-Eastern France using genetic,cytological and morphological data
Enzo Jugieau1, Victor Talmot1, Cybill Staentzel1, Sandra Noir2, Laurent Hardion1*
1. Université de Strasbourg, ENGEES, CNRS, LIVE UMR 7362, F-67000 Strasbourg, France; 2. Institut de Biologie Moléculaire des Plantes, CNRS, Université de Strasbourg, F-67084, France *Author for correspondence. E-mail:hardion@unistra.fr
Enzo Jugieau, Victor Talmot, Cybill Staentzel, Sandra Noir, Laurent Hardion. A knot of hybrids: differentiating Asian knotweeds in North-Eastern France using genetic,cytological and morphological data[J]. J Syst Evol.