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  • Brandon E. Gutiérrez–Rodríguez, Wesley Dáttilo, Fabricio Villalobos, Victoria Sosa
    Online available: 2024-07-10
    Ecological interactions and evolutionary processes in areas of endemism remain little studied despite the fact that identifying the patterns of functional signatures in areas of endemism could reveal important information regarding community assembly and functioning. Here, we investigated whether areas of endemism of the orchids of Megamexico are hotspots of biotic interactions by comparing the orchid–pollinator interactions with those of adjacent areas. Patterns of functional signatures and phylogenetic signal were estimated, using pollination syndromes as a proxy for functional attributes. Phylogenetic signal was estimated by coding pollinator groups for every orchid recorded. Metrics of the interaction networks and the phylogenetic signal were compared with those obtained from adjacent areas. Our results indicate that areas of endemism show higher significant differences in the phylogenetic signal compared with adjacent areas. This can be explained by the many distantly related orchid lineages sharing attributes related to pollination. Network size and robustness differed statistically between the areas of endemism and the adjacent areas. The same configuration of modules in interaction networks was found in the areas of endemism; however, remarkably, the composition of species in large genera differed in these areas. Areas of endemism harbor more orchid lineages that closely interact with many groups of insects. The southerly areas of endemism in Chiapas and Central America are prominent, with the most significant phylogenetic signal and networks metrics. Results indicate that areas of endemism for the orchids of Megamexico represent hotspots of biotic interactions. Strategies for conservation must take this biotic interaction into account.
  • Jiaqi Wang, Yue Ding, Yinfeng Li, Xintong Gao, Xiangming Kong, Feng Long, Yishan Feng, Yan Zhang, Yu Li, Zijian Yu, Tianyu Lei, Li Wang, Xiu‐Qing Li, and Jinpeng Wang
    Online available: 2024-07-01
    Oleaceae, a eudicot family with great species diversity, has attracted much attention from botanists because it contains many plants with important economic, medicinal, and ornamental values. However, the history of polyploidization and ancestral genome reshuffling of Oleaceae remains unclear. Here, we clarified an Oleaceae-common hexaploidization (OCH) event occurring at ~53–61 million years ago (Ma) common in all Oleaceae plants and an Oleaceae-recent tetraploidization (ORT) event occurring at ~18–21 Ma shared by the lineages of Syringa, Olea, Osmanthus, and Fraxinus. We found that high-frequency polyploidization events drove the frequency of gene loss in Oleaceae genomes and extended the size of regions containing adjacent gene loss, thereby promoting the degree of genome fragmentation. We revealed that biased fractionation between the OCH- and ORT-produced subgenomes is likely attributed to the origin of allopolyploidization in the OCH and ORT events. Significantly, through paleochromosome rearrangement comparisons, we proposed a "two-step" genome duplication model for OCH and determined the duplicated orders of OCH tripled genome. We reconstructed 11 protochromosomes of the most recent ancestral Oleaceae karyotype (AOK) and elucidated the trajectories of immense paleochromosome reorganization of Oleaceae species from ancestral eudicot karyotype. Notably, we tracked the diversification history of secondary metabolite synthesis genes in the Oleaceae and explored the effects of paleogenome evolution on specialized metabolite synthesis. Our findings provide new insights into the polyploidization and paleogenomic evolution of Oleaceae and have important scientific significance for understanding the genetic basis of species and secondary metabolic diversity in Oleaceae.
  • Raman Patel, Ashif Ali, Rafael F. de Almeida, Rajendra S. Rana, and Mahasin A. Khan
    Online available: 2024-06-02
    Eucalypt fossils were widely reported from the Cenozoic deposits across the Southern Hemisphere (Australia, New Zealand, and Argentina). However, no attached reproductive and vegetative fossil remains of this myrtaceous clade have been discovered till now. We report and describe for the first time a fossil eucalypt twig with attached foliage, flower buds, and mature flowers from the early Eocene (~55-52 Ma) sediments (Palana Formation) of Rajasthan, western India. As both vegetative and reproductive organs are in organic connection, they clearly represent the same species. In addition, here we also introduce fossil materials of isolated leaves, flower buds, inflorescence, and flowers recovered from the same stratigraphic level. Our Eocene fossils and extant members of the eucalypt clade are related morphologically by means of robust, thick petiolate lanceolate-shaped leaves with intramarginal secondary veins; operculate flower buds consisting of imbricate petals with discernable margins; solitary inflorescence with three flowers per umbellaster, epigynous and bisexual flowers. Based upon combined characteristics of leaf, flower, and bud morphology, these fossils conform to the Eucalypt clade and are recognized as a new fossil genus and species: Hindeucalyptus eocenicus Patel, R.F. Almeida, Ali et Khan gen. nov. et sp. nov. We also compare it with extant and extinct eucalypts using morphological phylogeny and character mapping analyses. In addition, we briefly discuss its phytogeographic and paleoclimatic implications regarding the distribution and habitat of fossil and modern eucalypts.
  • Xing-Hao Li, Ru-Fan Li, Fang-Jing Hu, Shuai Zheng, Fu-Qiang Rao, Rong An, Yong-Hong Li, and De-Guang Liu
    Online available: 2024-05-27
    The Cucujiformia, with remarkable morphological, ecological, and behavioral diversity, is the most evolutionarily successful group within Coleoptera. However, the phylogenetic relationships among superfamilies within Cucujiformia remain elusive. To address the issues, we conducted a transcriptome-based macro-evolutionary study of this lineage. We sequenced the genomes and transcriptomes of three species from the superfamily Curculionoidea (two from Curculionidae and one from Brentidae), and obtained a data set of more than 569 990 amino acid alignments from 143 species of Cucujiformia. With the most complete collection of whole genomes and transcriptomes so far, we compared the performance of different data matrices with universal-single-copy orthologs (USCO). The resultant trees based on different data sets were consistent for the majority of deep nodes. Two USCO amino acid matrices (i.e., USCO75 and USCO750-abs80) provided well-resolved topology. The analyses confirm that Cucujoidea sensu Robertson et al. 2015 is a nonmonophyletic group, consisting of Erotyloidea, Nitiduloidea, and Cucujoidea sensu Cai et al. 2022. Moreover, Erotyloidea is the early-diverging group, followed by the clade Nitiduloidea. The preferred topologies supported a “basal” split of Coccinelloidea from the remaining superfamilies, and Cleroidea formed the second splitting group. The following phylogeny was supported at the superfamily level in Cucujiformia: (Coccinelloidea, (Cleroidea, ((Lymexyloidea, Tenebrionoidea), (Erotyloidea, (Nitiduloidea, (Cucujoidea, (Chrysomeloidea, Curculionoidea))))))). Our comprehensive analyses recovered well-resolved higher-level phylogenetic relationships within the Cucujiformia, providing a stable framework for comprehending its evolutionary history.
  • Ryan A. Folk, Aliasghar A. Maassoumi, Carolina M. Siniscalchi, Heather R. Kates, Douglas E. Soltis, Pamela S. Soltis, Michael B. Belitz, and Robert P. Guralnick
    Online available: 2024-05-13
    Astragalus (Fabaceae) is astoundingly diverse in temperate, cold arid regions of Earth, positioning this group as a model clade for investigating the distribution of plant diversity in the face of environmental challenges. Here, we identify the spatial distribution of diversity and endemism in Astragalus using species distribution models for 752 species and a phylogenetic tree comprising 847 species. We integrated these to map centers of species richness (SR) and relative phylogenetic diversity (RPD) and used randomization approaches to investigate centers of endemism. We also used clustering methods to identify phylogenetic regionalizations. We then assembled predictor variables of current climate conditions to test environmental factors predicting these phylogenetic diversity results, especially temperature and precipitation seasonality. We find that SR centers are distributed globally at temperate middle latitudes in arid regions, but the Mediterranean Basin is the most important center of RPD. Endemism centers also occur globally, but Iran represents a key endemic area with a concentration of both paleo- and neoendemism. Phylogenetic regionalization recovered an east-west gradient in Eurasia and an amphitropical disjunction across North and South America; American phyloregions are overall most closely related to east and central Asia. SR, RPD, and lineage turnover are driven mostly by precipitation and seasonality, but endemism is driven primarily by diurnal temperature variation. Endemism and regionalization results point to western Asia and especially Iran as a biogeographic gateway between Europe and Asia. RPD and endemism highlight the importance of temperature and drought stress in determining plant diversity and endemism centers.
  • Enzo Jugieau, Victor Talmot, Cybill Staentzel, Sandra Noir, and Laurent Hardion
    Online available: 2024-05-13
    The two invasive Reynoutria species, Reynoutria japonica var. japonica and Reynoutria sachalinensis, and their hybrid Reynoutria x bohemica are often misidentified by managers and nonspecialists. The taxonomic confusions are all the more exacerbated by the infraspecific variability of introduced populations in terms of morphology, genetic diversity, and ploidy level. We resolved the identity of North-Eastern French invasive populations using 4582 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from a RADseq analysis, DNA contents estimated by flow cytometry, and 12 vegetative morphometric variables. The SNPs supported only one single genotype for R. japonica over 11 localities, while the nine localities of Reynoutria x bohemica were represented by one genotype each. Estimation of genome size using DAPI staining and flow cytometry revealed only octoploid cytotypes for R. japonica and hexaploid cytotypes for R. x bohemica, whereas R. sachalinensis was represented by tetraploid and hexaploid cytotypes. Among morphometric variables, no single one allows for a clear differentiation of the three taxa. We propose a combination of characters to easily and quickly identify these three invasive taxa based on six vegetative criteria including leaf and apex length, as well as leaf shape, leaf base, and apex shape, and the extrafloral nectaries on the node.
  • Ya-Nan Cao, Meng-Hao Wang, Hang Ran, Bin Tian, Lu-Xian Liu, Qing-Nan Wu, Yan-Yan Liu, Hong-Wei Wang, and Shan-Shan Zhu
    Online available: 2024-04-28
    Dipelta Maxim. (Caprifoliaceae) is a Tertiary relic genus endemic to China, which includes three extant species, Dipelta floribunda, Dipelta yunnanensis, and Dipelta elegans. Recent progress in the systematics and phylogeographics of Dipelta has greatly broadened our knowledge about its origin and evolution, however, conflicted phylogenetic relationships and divergence times have been reported and warrant further investigation. Here, we utilized chloroplast genomes and population-level genomic data restriction site-associated DNA-single nucleotide polymorphisms (RAD-SNPs) to evaluate the interspecific relationships, population genetic structure and demographic histories of this genus. Our results confirmed the sister relationship between D. elegans and the D. yunnanensis-D. floribunda group, but with cyto-nuclear phylogenetic discordance observed in the latter. Coalescent simulations suggested that this discordance might be attributed to asymmetric “chloroplast capture” through introgressive hybridization between the two parapatric species. Our fossil-calibrated plastid chronogram of Dipsacales and the coalescent modeling based on nuclear RAD-SNPs simultaneously suggested that the three species of Dipelta diversified at the late Miocene, which may be related to the uplift of the eastern part of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP) and adjacent southwest China, and increasing Asian interior aridification since the late Miocene; while in the mid-Pleistocene, the climatic transition and continuous uplift of the QTP, triggered allopatric speciation via geographical isolation for D. floribunda and D. yunnanensis regardless of bidirectional gene flow. Based on both plastid and nuclear genome-scale data, our findings provide the most comprehensive and reliable phylogeny and evolutionary histories for Dipelta and enable further understanding of the origin and evolution of floristic endemisms of China.
  • Jia-Xuan Mi, Jin-Liang Huang, Yu-Jie Shi, Fei-Fei Tian, Jing Li, Fan-Yu Meng, Fang He, Yu Zhong, Han-Bo Yang, Fan Zhang, Liang-Hua Chen, and Xue-Qin Wan
    Online available: 2024-04-26
    Taxonomy of Populus is a challenging task, especially in regions with complex topography, such as the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau because of the effect of hybridization, incomplete lineage sorting, phenotypic plasticity, and convergence. In the Flora of China, Populus pseudoglanca and Populus wuana are classified into sect. Leucoides and sect. Tacamahaca, respectively, but their taxonomy remains unclear. By conducting a systematic investigation for all taxa of Populus on the plateau, we found 31 taxa from the two sections. Through identification based on morphology and habitats, we confirmed that the “P. pseudoglanca” recorded in the Flora of Sichuan is not true P. pseudoglanca, while P. pseudoglanca and P. wuana recorded in the Flora of China may refer to the same species. By performing whole-genome re-sequencing of 150 individuals from the 31 taxa, we derived 2.28 million single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Further genetic and phylogenetic analyses demonstrated that the genetic structure of P. wuana is extremely consistent with P. pseudoglanca, and they all originate through the natural hybridization between Populus ciliata in sect. Leucoides and Populus curviserrata in sect. Tacamahaca. Our results suggested that P. wuana should be merged with P. pseudoglanca taxonomically. This study not only clarifies the taxonomic confusions related to P. pseudoglanca and P. wuana but also provides a new framework based on the integration of morphology, distribution, habitat, and genome to solve complex taxonomic problems.
  • Oyetola Oyebanji, Gregory W. Stull, Rong Zhang, Fabien R. Rahaingoson, De-Zhu Li, and Ting-Shuang Yi
    Online available: 2024-04-24
    The Millettioid/Phaseoloid (or the Millettioid) clade is a major lineage of the subfamily Papilionoideae (Fabaceae) that is poorly understood in terms of its diversification and biogeographic history.To fill this gap,we generated a time-calibrated phylogeny for 749 species representing c.80% of the genera of this clade using nrDNA ITS,plastid matK,and plastome sequence (including 38 newly sequenced plastomes).Using this phylogenetic framework,we explored the clade's temporal diversification and reconstructed its ancestral areas and dispersal events.Our phylogenetic analyses support the monophyly of the Millettioid/Phaseoloid clade and four of its tribal lineages (Abreae,Desmodieae,Indigofereae,and Psoraleeae),while two tribal lineages sensu lato millettioids and phaseoloids are polyphyletic.The fossil-calibrated dating analysis showed a nearly simultaneous divergence between the stem node (c.62 Ma) and the crown node (c.61 Ma) of the Millettioid/Phaseoloid clade in the Paleocene.The biogeographic analysis suggested that the clade originated in Africa and dispersed to Asia,Europe,Australia,and the Americas at different periods in the Cenozoic.We found evidence for shifts in diversification rates across the phylogeny of the Millettioid/Phaseoloid clade throughout the Cenozoic,with a rapid increase in net diversification rates since c.10 Ma.Possible explanations for the present-day species richness and distribution of the Millettioid/Phaseoloid clade include boreotropical migration,frequent intra-and intercontinental long-distance dispersals throughout the Cenozoic,and elevated speciation rates following the Mid-Miocene Climatic Optimum.Together,these results provide novel insights into major diversification patterns of the Millettioid/Phaseoloid clade,setting the stage for future evolutionary research on this important legume clade.
  • Bowen Kong, Chungkun Shih, Dong Ren, and Yongjie Wang
    Online available: 2024-04-21
    Neuroptera, as a small relic group of Insecta undergoing a rapid species diversification during the Mesozoic Era, is known by diverse extinct endemic lineages preserved as impression fossils and in amber. The current understanding of Mesozoic neuropterans' diversity has mainly focused on the adults, because the contemporaneous larvae have been fairly rare especially for the Jurassic lacewings. Herein, a new giant lacewing larva, Natator giganteus gen. et sp. nov., is described from the Middle Jurassic Daohugou Beds of China. The remarkable larva is characterized by its impressively large body size, distinctively elongated cervix, and presence of swimming hairs on legs, which provide direct evidence to reveal an aquatic habit for the Jurassic lacewing larva. The morphological analysis indicates this giant larva would have probably inhabited the benthic environments of Jurassic montane rivers and streams. In addition, its morphological specialization suggests that it might have adopted an ambush predation strategy to catch its prey. The finding enhances our knowledge of the species diversity and morphological plasticity for the Jurassic lacewing larvae, and reveals that the aquatic lineages of Neuroptera exhibited dramatically structural and ecological convergence across the evolutionary process.
  • Xin-Lin Yan, Sheng-Long Kan, Mei-Xia Wang, Yong-Yao Li, Luke R. Tembrock, Wen-Chuang He, Li-Yun Nie, Guan-Jing Hu, Dao-Jun Yuan, Xiong-Feng Ma, and Zhi-Qiang Wu
    Online available: 2024-04-16
    Cotton (Gossypium spp.) is a vital global source of renewable fiber and ranks among the world's most important cash crops. While extensive nuclear genomic data of Gossypium has been explored, the organellar genomic resources of allotetraploid cotton, remain largely untapped at the population level. The plastid genome (plastome) is well suited for studying plant species relationships and diversity due to its nonrecombinant uniparental inheritance. Here, we conducted de novo assembly of 336 Gossypium plastomes, mainly from domesticated cultivars, and generated a pan-plastome level resource for population structure and genetic diversity analyses. The assembled plastomes exhibited a typical quadripartite structure and varied in length from 160 103 to 160 597 bp. At the species level, seven allotetraploid species were resolved into three clades, where Gossypium tomentosum and Gossypium mustelinum formed an early diverging clade rooted by diploids, followed by splitting two sister clades of Gossypium darwiniiGossypium barbadense and Gossypium hirsutumGossypium ekmanianumGossypium stephensii. Within the G. hirsutum clade the resolution of cultivated accessions was less polyphyletic with landrace and wild accessions than in G. barbadense suggesting some selection on plastome in the domestication of this adaptable species of cotton. The nucleotide diversity of G. hirsutum was higher than that of G. barbadense. We specifically compared the plastomes of G. hirsutum and G. barbadense to find mutational hotspots within each species as potential molecular markers. These findings contribute a valuable resource for exploring cotton evolution as well as in the breeding of new cotton cultivars and the preservation of wild and cultivated germplasm.
  • Qiang He, Yuqing Miao, Xinyuan Zheng, Yaru Wang, Yitao Wang, Zheng Jia, Hongyu Zhang, Yu Wang, Yao Xiao, Cailian Du, Wei Li, Longsheng Xing, and Huilong Du
    Online available: 2024-04-01
    Reynoutria multiflora is a widely used medicinal plant in China. Its medicinal compounds are mainly stilbenes and anthraquinones which possess important pharmacological activities in anti‐aging, anti‐inflammatory and anti‐oxidation, but their biosynthetic pathways are still largely unresolved. Here, we reported a near‐complete genome assembly of R. multiflora consisting of 1.39 Gb with a contig N50 of 122.91 Mb and only one gap left. Genome evolution analysis revealed that two recent bursts of long terminal repeats (LTRs) contributed significantly to the increased genome size of R. multiflora, and numerous large chromosome rearrangements were observed between R. multiflora and Fagopyrum tataricum genomes. Comparative genomics analysis revealed that a recent whole‐genome duplication specific to Polygonaceae led to a significant expansion of gene families associated with disease tolerance and the biosynthesis of stilbenes and anthraquinones in R. multiflora. Combining transcriptomic and metabolomic analyses, we elucidated the molecular mechanisms underlying the dynamic changes in content of medicinal ingredients in R. multiflora roots across different growth years. Additionally, we identified several putative key genes responsible for anthraquinone and stilbene biosynthesis. We identified a stilbene synthase gene PM0G05131 highly expressed in roost, which may exhibit an important role in the accumulation of stilbenes in R. multiflora. These genomic data will expedite the discovery of anthraquinone and stilbenes biosynthesis pathways in medicinal plants.
  • Zhi-Fang Liu, Shi-Fang Zhang, Alex D. Twyford, Xiu-Qin Ci, Lang Li, Xiao-Yan Zhang, Jian-Lin Hu, Jia-Chuan Tan, Guang-Da Tang, Sheng-Yuan Qin, Ling Hu, Xin Ding, Hong-Hu Meng, Li-Na Dong, Ting Huang, Hui Ma, Jian-Hua Xiao, Chao-Nan Cai, John G. Conran, Qi Wang, Peter M. Hollingsworth, and Jie Li
    Online available: 2024-03-31
    Species delimitation remains a challenge worldwide, especially in highly diverse tropical and subtropical regions. Here, we use an integrative approach that combines morphology, phylogenomics, and species distribution modeling (SDM) to clarify the cryptic differentiation within the enigmatic hemiparasitic love vine Cassytha filiformis (Lauraceae) in China and adjacent regions. We generated complete plastid genomes and nuclear ribosomal sequences for diverse samples from across the species range and compared results with previously published plastid data, recovering two well-supported monophyletic clades. Further, the analysis revealed significant differences in two morphological characters and SDM, indicating distinct environmental factors influencing their distributions. Fossil-calibrated analyses to estimate the origins and diversification patterns for the cryptic species gave divergence age estimates corresponding to the Oligo-Miocene; a period of new ecological opportunities associated with the prevailing East Asian monsoon. Multivariate analyses support the conclusion that southern China and adjacent regions have a different, previously unknown, cryptic lineage of C. filiformis. Our study highlights the importance of using multivariate approach to characterize plant species, as well as the significant role that past climatic changes have played in driving speciation in parasitic plants in tropical and subtropical zones.
  • Qi-Rui Li, Kamran Habib, You-Peng Wu, Si-Han Long, Xu Zhang, Hong-Min Hu, Qian-Zhen Wu, Li-Li Liu, Yan Lin, Xiang-Chun Shen, and Ji-Chuan Kang
    Online available: 2024-03-26
    The genus Xylaria comprises a diverse group of fungi with a global distribution and significant ecological importance, known for being a source of bioactive secondary metabolites with antibacterial, antioxidative, anticarcinogenic, and additional properties. In this study, we present a comprehensive taxonomic revision of the species of Xylaria found in some parts of southern China, characterized by an extensive multilocus phylogeny analysis based on internal transcribed spacer (ITS), TUB2 (β-tubulin), and DNA-directed RNA polymerase II subunit 2 (rpb2) gene regions. Morphological examination and detailed comparative analyses of the collected specimens were conducted to determine the distinctiveness of each species. The multilocus phylogeny approach allowed us to infer evolutionary relationships and assess species boundaries accurately, leading to the identification of 40 novel Xylaria species hitherto unknown to science. The newly described species are: X. baoshanensis, X. bawanglingensis, X. botryoidalis, X. dadugangensis, X. doupengshanensis, X. fanglanii, X. glaucae, X. guizhouensis, X. japonica, X. jinghongensis, X. jinshanensis, X. kuankuoshuiensis, X. liboensis, X. negundinis, X. orbiculati, X. ovata, X. pseudoanisopleura, X. pseudocubensis, X. pseudobambusicola, X. pseudoglobosa, X. pseudohemisphaerica, X. pseudohypoxylon, X. puerensis, X. qianensis, X. qiongzhouensis, X. rhombostroma, X. serratifoliae, X. shishangensis, X. shuqunii, X. shuangjiangensis, X. sinensis, X. tongrenensis, X. umbellata, X. xishuiensis, X. yaorenshanensis, X. yinggelingensis, X. yumingii, X. yunnanensis, X. zangmui, and X. zonghuangii. The study's findings shed light on the distinctiveness of the newly described species, supported by both morphological distinctions and phylogenetic relationships with their close relatives. This taxonomic revision significantly contributes to our understanding the diversity of Xylaria in China and enriches the knowledge of fungal biodiversity worldwide.
  • Lone Aagesen, Diego L. Salariato, María A. Scataglini, Juan M. Acosta, Silvia S. Denham, and Carolina Delfini
    Online available: 2024-03-17
    In this study, we explored the distributions of grass genera in the Southern Cone (SC) of South America, applying several phylogenetic diversity (PD) metrics and randomization tests. Grasses appear to have been present in South America since their early evolution as tropical understory species more than 60 Ma. During the course of evolution, grasses have adapted to all terrestrial biomes and become one of the most successful plant families on earth. At present, the SC contains nearly all terrestrial biomes and a wide range of humid to arid ecoregions. Analyzing 126.514 point occurrences and four plastid markers for 148 genera (91% of the native grass genera), we found that tropical humid regions hold the highest PD, with no observed bias in branch lengths. These results indicate that niche conservatism dominates the diversity pattern of grasses in the SC. We found significantly low PD in the Dry Chaco and in the Patagonian Steppe, which suggest ecological filtering in both warm and cold arid regions. The Patagonian Steppe also holds significantly longer branches than expected by chance, as the native grass flora is mainly composed of distantly related Pooideae genera with a northern hemisphere origin. Short branches are found in the Uruguayan Savanna, suggesting that these grasslands could be a cradle for grass diversity within the SC. The dated phylogeny supported the current view of a relatively recent evolution of the family within the SC, with most diversification taking place from the middle Miocene and onwards.
  • Lian‐Sheng Xu, Zhu‐Qiu Song, Shu‐Yuan Liao, and You‐Sheng Chen
    Online available: 2024-03-12
    The Crepidinae are the largest subtribe of the Cichorieae (Asteraceae). Debate remains over the circumscription and phylogeny of this subtribe, mainly due to its complex morphology and the poor phylogenetic signal provided by traditional Sanger sequencing markers. In this study, a well-resolved phylogeny of the subtribe Crepidinae, consisting of seven highly supported clades, was obtained for the first time using nuclear data with a phylogenomics approach (Hyb-Seq). Using this phylogeny along with other evidence, we propose a new taxonomic framework for the Crepidinae with seven lines and 29 genera, which merges subtribe Chondrillinae with the Crepidinae. We also describe a new monotypic genus, Qineryangia, that is characterized by broad involucres, loose imbricate phyllaries with wavy margins, and thick pappus bristles.
  • Xin Wang, Jiang‐Bao Xia, Jun‐Hong Bai, Shuo Yin, Wei Wang, Da‐Wei Wang, Xin‐Xin Yi, and Sheng‐Hong Dai
    Online available: 2024-03-12
    As an important halophyte in the Yellow River Delta, the Amaranthaceae C3 Suaeda salsa (L.) Pall. has attracted much attention for the “red carpet” landscape, and could be simply divided into red and green phenotypes according to the betacyanin content in the fleshy leaves. However, S. salsa has not been sequenced yet, which limited people's understanding of this species at the molecular level. We constructed a high-quality chromosome-scale reference genome by combining high-throughput sequencing, PacBio single molecule real-time sequencing, and Hi-C sequencing techniques with a genome size of 445.10?Mb and contigs N50 of 2.94?Mb. Through the annotation of the S. salsa genome, 298.76?Mb of the repetitive sequences and 23?965 protein-coding genes were identified, of which the proportion of long terminal repeats type in the repetitive sequences was the most abundant, about 50.74% of the S. salsa genome. Comparative genomics indicated that S. salsa underwent a whole-genome duplication event about 146.15 million years ago (Ma), and the estimated divergence time between S. salsa and Suaeda aralocaspica was about 16.9?Ma. A total of four betacyanins including betanidin, celosianin II, amaranthin and 6′-O-malonyl-celosianin II were identified and purified in both phenotypes, while two significantly up-regulated betacyanins (celosianin II and amaranthin) may be the main reason for the red color in red phenotype. In addition, we also performed transcriptomics and metabolomics in both phenotypes to explore the molecular mechanisms of pigment synthesis, and a series of structural genes and transcription factors concerning with betacyanin production were selected in S. salsa.
  • Meng Yang, Shu-Feng Zhang, Bin Li, Yun-Xin Lan, Yi-Han Yang, and Meng-Jun Liu
    Online available: 2024-03-01
    Jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.), renowned for its nutritional value and health benefits, is believed to have originated in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River in China, where it underwent domestication from wild jujube. Nonetheless, the evolutionary trajectory and species differentiation between wild jujube and cultivated jujube still require further elucidation. The chloroplast genome (plastome), characterized by its relatively lower mutation rate compared to the nuclear genome, serves as an excellent model for evolutionary and comparative genomic research. In this study, we analyzed 326 nonredundant plastomes, encompassing 133 jujube cultivars and 193 wild jujube genotypes distributed throughout China. Noteworthy variations in the large single copy region primarily account for the size differences among these plastomes, impacting the evolution from wild jujube to cultivated varieties. Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) unveiled a unique chloroplast-to-nucleus transfer event, with transferred fragments predominantly influencing the evolution of the nuclear genome while leaving the plastome relatively unaffected. Population genetics analysis revealed two distinct evolutionary pathways from wild jujube to cultivated jujube: one driven by natural selection with minimal human interference, and the other resulting from human domestication and cultivation. Molecular dating, based on phylogenetic analysis, supported the likelihood that wild jujube and cultivated jujube fall within the same taxonomic category, Z. jujuba. In summary, our study comprehensively examined jujube plastome structures and HGT events, simultaneously contributing novel insights into the intricate processes that govern the evolution and domestication of jujube species.
  • Ming‐Xia Xie, Xing‐Yue Hu, Qi‐Yang Wang, Zheng Ren, Yu‐Bo Liu, Mei‐Qing Yang, Xiao‐Ye Jin, Xiao‐Min Yang, Rui Wang, Chuan‐Chao Wang, and Jiang Huang
    Online available: 2024-02-28
    The Sui people living in Guizhou province have a unique ethnic culture and population history due to their long-time isolation from other populations. To investigate the genetic structure of Sui populations in different regions of Guizhou, we genotyped 89 individuals from four Sui populations using genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphisms arrays. We analyzed the data using principal component analysis, ADMIXTURE analysis, f-statistics, qpWave/qpAdm, TreeMix analysis, fineSTRUCTURE, and GLOBETROTTER. We found that Sui populations in Guizhou were genetically homogeneous and had a close genetic affinity with Tai-Kadai-speaking populations, Hmong-Mien-speaking Hmong, and some ancient populations from southern China. The Sui populations could be modeled as an admixture of 33.5%–37.9% of Yellow River Basin farmer-related ancestry and 62.1%–66.5% of Southeast Asian-related ancestry, indicating that the southward expansion of northern East Asian-related ancestry influenced the formation of the Tai-Kadai-speaking Sui people. Future publications of more ancient genomics in southern China could effectively provide further insight into the demographic history and population structure of the Sui people.
  • Fang‐Dong Geng, Meng‐Fan Lei, Nai‐Yu Zhang, Yao‐Lei Fu, Hang Ye, Meng Dang, Xue‐Dong Zhang, Miao‐Qing Liu, Meng‐Di Li, Zhan‐Lin Liu, and Peng Zhao
    Online available: 2024-02-28
    East Asia constitutes one of the largest and most complex areas of plant diversity globally. This complexity is attributable to the geological history and climatic diversity of East Asia. However, controversy persists over the biogeographical hypotheses and different studies on this topic. The demographical complexity of temperate deciduous woody plants and heterogeneity of geological and climatic fluctuations in East Asia remain poorly understood. We aimed to assemble the chloroplast and nuclear genomes of 360 individuals from five walnut (Juglans) species in East Asia and comprehensively analyze the phylogenetic inference, genetic structure, population demographic, and selection pressure. The results showed that East Asian walnuts could be divided into two major groups, that is, section Juglans/Dioscaryon and sect. Cardiocaryon. Within sect. Cardiocaryon, the samples were categorized into the northern clade and southern clade, both of which were affected by Quaternary glaciation; however, the southern clade was affected to a lesser extent. The population expansion events observed in sect. Cardiocaryon and sect. Dioscaryon since the late Miocene indicated that Neogene climate cooling substantially affected the distribution of Tertiary relict plants in East Asia. Biogeographic analysis results showed that the uplift of the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau (QTP) might have contributed to the divergence within sect. Dioscaryon. Our findings highlight the heterogeneity of climatic fluctuations in the northern and southern regions of East Asia during the late Neogene and Quaternary periods and suggest that the uplift of QTP could have facilitated the divergence of temperate deciduous woody plants.
  • Yang Yue, Da‐Hu Zou, Shi‐Lin Tian, Heng‐Wu Jiao, and Hua‐Bin Zhao
    Online available: 2024-02-28
    Dietary specialization stands as a major factor in the study of adaptive evolution and the field of conservation biology among animals. Although bats show unparalleled dietary diversification among mammals, specialized carnivory remains relatively rare within this group. Consequently, our comprehension of the genetic and conservation aspects associated with this specific dietary niche in bats has largely remained uncharted. To investigate molecular adaptations and conservation genetics in carnivorous bats, we produced a new draft genome assembly for the carnivorous bat Vampyrum spectrum. Furthermore, we utilized this genome alongside another distantly related carnivorous bat Megaderma lyra, to conduct genome-wide comparative analyses with other bat species. Our findings unveil that genes linked to lipid metabolism exhibit signatures of positive selection and convergent molecular adaptation in the two divergent lineages of carnivorous bats. Intriguingly, we have uncovered that the evolution of dietary specialization in carnivorous bats is accompanied by molecular adaptations acting on genes in the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors pathways, which are crucial in regulating plasma lipid metabolism and sustaining lipid homeostasis. Additionally, our genomic analyses also reveal low genetic diversity in both carnivorous bat species. This pattern is attributed to their continuously declining population sizes and low levels of heterozygosity, signaling their vulnerability and emphasizing the pressing need for conservation efforts. These genomic discoveries advance our understanding of genetic underpinnings of carnivory in bats and underscore substantial conservation concerns associated with carnivorous bat species.
  • Yi‐Ran Xu, Ying‐Can Li, Hui‐Qiao Hu, Heng‐Wu Jiao, and Hua‐Bin Zhao
    Online available: 2024-02-28
    The most significant driver of adaptive radiation in the New World leaf-nosed bats (Phyllostomidae) is their remarkably diverse feeding habits, yet there remains a notable scarcity of studies addressing the genetic underpinnings of dietary diversification in this family. In this study, we have assembled a new genome for a representative species of phyllostomid bat, the fringe-lipped bat (Trachops cirrhosis), and integrated it with eight published phyllostomid genomes, along with an additional 10 genomes of other bat species. Comparative genomic analysis across 10 200 orthologus genes has unveiled that those genes subject to divergent selection within the Phyllostomidae clade are notably enriched in metabolism-related pathways. Furthermore, we identified molecular signatures of divergent selection in the bitter receptor gene Tas2r1, as well as 14 genes involved in digesting key nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. In addition, our cell-based functional assays conducted on Tas2r1 showed a broader spectrum of perception for bitter compounds in phyllostomids compared to nonphyllostomid bats, suggesting functional diversification of bitter taste in Phyllostomidae. Together, our genomic and functional analyses lead us to propose that divergent selection of genes associated with taste, digestion and absorption, and metabolism assumes a pivotal role in steering the extreme dietary diversification in Phyllostomidae. This study not only illuminates the genetic mechanisms underlying dietary adaptations in Phyllostomidae bats but also enhances our understanding of their extraordinary adaptive radiation.
  • Roser Vilatersana, Juan Antonio Calleja, Sonia Herrando‐Moraira, Núria Garcia‐Jacas, and Alfonso Susanna
    Online available: 2024-02-24
    Understanding the richness and diversification processes in the Mediterranean basin requires both knowledge of the current environmental complexity and paleogeographic and paleoclimate events and information from studies that introduce the temporal dimension. The Carthamus–Carduncellus complex (Cardueae, Compositae) constitutes a good case study to investigate the biogeographic history of this region because it evolved throughout the basin. We performed molecular dating, ancestral area estimation, and diversification analyses based on previous phylogenetic studies of a nearly complete taxon sampling of the complex. The main aims were to determine the role of tectonic and climatic events in the disjunction of the complex and the expansion route of the two main lineages, Carduncellus s.l. and Carthamus. Our results suggest that the main lineages in the complex originated during the Miocene. Later, all main paleogeographic and paleoclimatic events during the Neogene and Pleistocene in the Mediterranean basin had an important imprint on the evolutionary history of the complex. The Messinian Salinity Crisis facilitated the dispersion of the genus Carduncellus from North Africa to the Iberian Peninsula and the split of the genera Phonus and Femeniasia from the Carduncellus lineage. The onset of the Mediterranean climate in the Pliocene together with some orogenic processes could be the main causes of the diversification of the genus Carduncellus. In contrast, Pleistocene glaciations played a key role in the species diversification of Carthamus. In addition, we emphasize the problems derived from secondary dating and the existing differences between two previous dating analyses of the tribe Cardueae.
  • Hua Yan, Peng Zhou, Wei Wang, Jian‐Fei Ye, Shao‐Lin Tan, Chun‐Ce Guo, Wen‐Gen Zhang, Zi‐Wei Zhu, Yi‐Zhen Liu, and Xiao‐Guo Xiang
    Online available: 2024-02-22
    Pterocarya (Juglandaceae) is disjunctly distributed in East Asia and the Caucasus region today, but its fossils are widely distributed in the Northern Hemisphere. We first inferred phylogeny with time estimation of Pterocarya under node-dating (ND) based on plastomes of all eight extant species and tip-dating (TD) based on plastomes and 69 morphological characters of 19 extant and extinct species, respectively. We compared the biogeographical reconstructions on the timetrees from ND and TD, respectively, and then compiled 83 fossil records and 599 current occurrences for predicting the potential distributions for the past and the future. The most recent comment ancestor of Pterocarya is inferred in East Asia at 40.46 Ma (95% highest posterior density [HPD]: 28.04–54.86) under TD and 26.81 Ma (95% HPD: 23.03–33.12) under ND. The current distribution was attributed to one dispersal and one vicariant event without fossils, but as many as six dispersal, six vicariant, and 11 local extinction events when considering fossils. Pterocarya migrated between East Asia and North America via the Bering Land Bridge during the early Oligocene and the early Miocene periods. With the closure of Turgai Strait, Pterocarya dispersed between East Asia and Europe through the Miocene. The potential distribution analyses indicated that Pterocarya preferred warm temperate regions across the Northern Hemisphere since the Oligocene, but the drastic temperature decline caused its extinction in high latitudes. Except for Pterocarya fraxinifolia and Pterocarya stenoptera, suitable habitats for this genus are predicted to contract by 2070 due to climate change.
  • Ana M. Bossa‐Castro, Matheus Colli‐Silva, José R. Pirani, Barbara A. Whitlock, Laura T. Morales Mancera, Natalia Contreras‐Ortiz, Martha L. Cepeda‐Hernández, Federica Di Palma, Martha Vives, and James E. Richardson
    Online available: 2024-02-18
    Crop wild relatives (CWRs) of cultivated species may provide a source of genetic variation that can contribute to improving product quantity and quality. To adequately use these potential resources, it is useful to understand how CWRs are related to the cultivated species and to each other to determine how key crop traits have evolved and discover potentially usable genetic information. The chocolate industry is expanding and yet is under threat from a variety of causes, including pathogens and climate change. Theobroma cacao L. (Malvaceae), the source of chocolate, is a representative of the tribe Theobromateae that consists of four genera and c. 40 species that began to diversify over 25 million years ago. The great diversity within the tribe suggests that its representatives could exhibit advantageous agronomic traits. In this study, we present the most taxonomically comprehensive phylogeny of Theobromateae to date. DNA sequence data from WRKY genes were assembled into a matrix that included 56 morphological characters and analyzed using a Bayesian approach. The inclusion of a morphological data set increased resolution and support for some branches of the phylogenetic tree. The evolutionary trajectory of selected morphological characters was reconstructed onto the phylogeny. This phylogeny provides a framework for the study of morphological and physiological trait evolution, which can facilitate the search for agronomically relevant traits.
  • Darya Khan, AJ Harris, Qamar U. Zaman, Hong-Xin Wang, Jun Wen, Jacob B. Landis, and Hua-Feng Wang
    Online available: 2024-01-25
    The angiosperm family Cactaceae, a member of the Caryophyllales, is a large and diverse group of stem succulents comprising 1438-1870 species within approximately 130 genera predominantly distributed from northern Canada to Patagonia. Four centers of diversity from Central and North America (Chihuahua, Puebla- Oaxaca, Sonora-Sinaloan, and Jalisco) and three centers of diversity from South America (Southern Central Andes, Caatinga, and Mara Atlantica) have played a pivotal role in disbursing cacti around the globe. Mexico is considered the richest area in cacti species with close to 563 species grouped into 50 genera. Approximately 118 species have been domesticated by Mesoamerican people as food crops and for ornamental purposes. Cacti inhabit a wide range of ecosystems and climate regions, ranging from tropical to subtropical and from arid to semiarid regions. Species belonging to the genus Opuntia are the major food crop producers in the family. Cacti have derived characteristics from familial synapomorphies within the Caryophyllales. Reproduction occurs through pollination facilitated by birds, bats, bees, and other insects. Climate variability, whether natural or human-induced threatens global crop production including high temperatures, salinity, drought, flood, changes in soil pH, and urbanization. Cacti have several adaptations that are important for coping with abiotic stresses, such as crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM photosynthesis), as well as modifications to root and stem physiological pathways. This review aims to provide a comprehensive view of the fruit crops in Cactaceae, including their evolution, worldwide distribution, and the environmental factors impacting cultivation.
  • Heng-Ling Zhou, Lei Wang, Yun-Xia Yue, Zhi Luo, Shun-Jie Wang, Li-Guo Zhou, Li-Jun Luo, Hui Xia, and Ming Yan
    Online available: 2024-01-25
    The soil-nitrogen condition, which differs greatly between paddy fields (mainly in the form of ammonium, NH4+) and dry fields (mainly in the form of nitrate, NO3-), is a main environmental factor that drives the adaptive differentiation between upland and lowland rice ecotypes. However, the adaptive differentiation in terms of the nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) between upland and lowland rice has not been well addressed. In this study, we evaluated NUE-related traits among rice landraces as well as the genetic differentiation between NUE- associated genes and quantitative trait loci (QTLs). The japonica upland and lowland rice ecotypes showed large differences in their NUE-related traits such as the absorption ability for NH4+ and NO3-. The indica upland and lowland rice exhibited similar performances when cultivated in solutions containing NH4+ or NO3- or when planted in paddy or dry fields. However, the indica upland rice possessed a greater ability to absorb NO3-. We identified 76 QTLs for 25 measured traits using genome-wide association analysis. The highly differentiated NUE- associated genes or QTLs between ecotypes were rarely shared by japonica and indica subspecies, indicating an independent genetic basis for their soil-nitrogen adaptations. We suggested four genes in three QTLs as the candidates contributing to rice NUE during the ecotypic differentiation. In summary, the soil-nitrogen condition drives the adaptive differentiation of NUE between upland and lowland rice independently within the japonica and indica subspecies. These findings can strengthen our understanding of rice adaptation to divergent soil-nitrogen conditions and have implications for the improvement of NUE.
  • Michael D. Crisp, Bui Q. Minh, Bokyung Choi, Robert D. Edwards, James Hereward, Carsten Kulheim, Yen Po Lin, Karen Meusemann, Andrew H. Thornhill, Alicia Toon, and Lyn G. Cook
    Online available: 2024-01-23
    Eucalypts (Myrtaceae tribe Eucalypteae) are currently placed in seven genera. Traditionally, Eucalyptus was defined by its operculum, but when phylogenies placed Angophora, with free sepals and petals, as sister to the operculate bloodwood eucalypts, the latter were segregated into a new genus, Corymbia. Yet, generic delimitation in the tribe Eucalypteae remains uncertain. Here, we address these problems using phylogenetic analysis with the largest molecular data set to date. We captured 101 low-copy nuclear exons from 392 samples representing 266 species. Our phylogenetic analysis used maximum likelihood (IQtree) and multispecies coalescent (Astral). At two nodes critical to generic delimitation, we tested alternative relationships among Arillastrum, Angophora, Eucalyptus, and Corymbia using Shimodaira's approximately unbiased test. Phylogenetic mapping was used to explore the evolution of perianth traits. Monophyly of Corymbia relative to Angophora was decisively rejected. All alternative relationships among the seven currently recognized Eucalypteae genera imply homoplasy in the evolutionary origins of the operculum. Inferred evolutionary transitions in perianth traits are congruent with divergences between major clades, except that the expression of separate sepals and petals in Angophora, which is nested within the operculate genus Corymbia, appears to be a reversal to the plesiomorphic perianth structure. Here, we formally raise Corymbia subg. Blakella to genus rank and make the relevant new combinations. We also define and name three sections within Blakella (Blakella sect. Blakella, Blakella sect. Naviculares, and Blakella sect. Maculatae), and two series within Blakella sect. Maculatae (Blakella ser. Maculatae and Blakella ser. Torellianae). Corymbia is reduced to the red bloodwoods.
  • Zhi-Qiang Lu, Yong-Zhi Yang, and Jian-Quan Liu
    Online available: 2024-01-23
    Both hybridization and intraspecific morphological variation across environmental gradients complicate species delineation. We aimed to discern both possibilities that may blur species boundaries in the Carpinus viminea-Carpinus laxiflora-Carpinus londoniana species complex. We conducted statistical analyses on 535 specimens encompassing the entire distribution of this species complex to identify phenotypic clusters. Additionally, we analyzed genetic divergence and probable hybridization between clusters using 76 individuals from 37 populations. Based on phenotypic and genetic clusters, we tentatively recognized four species: C. viminea, C. fargesii, C. laxiflora, and C. londoniana. Except for rare overlapping distributions between C. fargesii and C. londoniana, the redefined four species are mostly allopatric to each another based on their distributions. The morphological delimitation, species boundary and distribution of each species differ distinctly from past taxonomic treatments. For example, specimens previously identified under C. viminea, in fact, belong to three different species. Hybrids between C. fargesii and C. londoniana exhibit morphological traits similar to C. viminea, thereby contributing to difficulties in determining species boundaries and outlining species distributions. These findings suggest that local selection and geographical isolation may together have promoted both phenotypic and genetic divergences within this species complex. However, interspecific hybridization blurs species boundaries by producing hybrids with phenotypic similarity in addition to intraspecific variation. This study emphasizes the importance of statistical analyses of population-level morphological and genetic variations across major distributional ranges for an integrative delimitation of species boundaries and the identification of hybridization and hybrids.
  • Yu‐Qian Niu, Yu‐Xin Zhang, Xin‐Feng Wang, Jun Wen, Zhen‐Hui Wang, Ji Yang, Yu‐Guo Wang, Wen‐Ju Zhang, Zhi‐Ping Song, and Lin‐Feng Li
    Online available: 2023-12-21
    Elucidating how plant species respond to variable light conditions is essential to understanding the ecological adaptation to heterogeneous environments. Plant performance and gene regulatory network underpinning the adaptation have been well documented in heliophytic species. However, it remains largely unclear how the sciophytic plants respond to distinct light conditions. We measured phenotypic and transcriptomic features of four sciophytic (Fatsia japonica, Metapanax delavayi, Heptapleurum arboricola, and Heptapleurum delavayi) and one heliophytic woody species (Tetrapanax papyrifer) of the Araliaceae family under distinct light conditions. Our phenotypic comparisons demonstrate that the four sciophytic species maintain similar photosynthesis efficiency between high light and low light conditions. However, a significantly decreased photosynthesis rate was observed under the low light conditions of the heliophytic species compared with the high light conditions. In addition, our leaf anatomical analyses revealed that, while all five species showed different anatomical structures under distinct light conditions, the sciophytic species possessed a lower degree of phenotypic plasticity relative to the heliophytic species. Further comparisons of the transcriptome profiling showed that differentially expressed genes identified in the five species were functionally related to photosynthesis, secondary metabolites, and other basic metabolisms. In particular, differential regulation of the photosynthesis-related and photomorphogenesis-related genes were potentially correlated with the phenotypic responses to the distinct light conditions of the five species. Our study provides evolutionary and ecological perspectives on how the heliophytic and sciophytic woody species respond to shade and sunlight environments.
  • Si Xu, Lu Meng, and Ying Bao
    Online available: 2023-12-21
    Rubisco is assembled from large subunits (encoded by chloroplast gene rbcL) and small subunits (encoded by the nuclear rbcS multigene family), which are involved in the processes of carbon dioxide fixation in the Calvin cycle of photosynthesis. Although Rubisco has been studied in many plants, the evolutionary divergences among the different rbcS genes are still largely unknown. Here, using a rice closely related wild species, Oryza punctata Kotschy ex Steud, we investigated the differential properties of the rbcS genes in the species. We identified five rbcS genes (OprbcS1 through OprbcS5), OprbcS1 showed a different evolutionary pattern from the remaining four genes in terms of chromosome location, gene structure, and sequence homology. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that plant rbcS1 and other non-rbcS1 genes originated from a common ancient duplication event that occurred at least in seed plants ancestor. RbcS1 was then retained in a few plant lineages, including Oryza, whereas non-rbcS1 was mainly amplified in angiosperms. OprbcS1, OprbcS2–OprbcS4, and OprbcS5 were prominently expressed in stems and seeds, young leaves, and mature leaves, respectively. The yeast two-hybrid assay detected a significant decrease in the interaction between OprbcS1 and OprbcL compared to the other four pairs of proteins (OprbcS2–OprbcS5 and OprbcL). We propose that OprbcS1 might be assigned a divergent function that was predominantly specific to nonphotosynthetic organs, whereas OprbcS2–OprbcS5, having different affinity in the assembly process of Rubisco, might be subfunctionalized in photosynthetic organs. This study not only deepens our understanding of the fine assembly of Rubisco, but also sheds some light on future de novo domestication of wild rice.
  • Pablo Aguado‐Ramsay, Tamara Villaverde, Ricardo Garilleti, J. Gordon Burleigh, Stuart F. McDaniel, Maren Flagmeier, Jurgen Nieuwkoop, Arno van der Pluijm, Florian Hans, Francisco Lara, and Isabel Draper
    Online available: 2023-12-19
    Currently, a wide range of genomic techniques is available at a relatively affordable price. However, not all of them have been equally explored in bryophyte systematics. In the present study, we apply next-generation sequencing to identify samples that cannot be assigned to a taxon by morphological analysis or by Sanger sequencing methods. These samples correspond to a moss with an enigmatic morphology that has been found throughout Western Europe over the last two decades. They exhibit several anomalies in the gametophyte and, on the rare occasions that they appear, also in the sporophyte. The most significant alterations are related to the shape of the leaves. Morphologically, all specimens correspond to mosses of the genus Lewinskya, and the least modified samples are potentially attributable to the Lewinskya affinis complex. Specimen identifications were first attempted using up to seven molecular markers with no satisfactory results. Thus, we employed data generated from targeted enrichment using the GoFlag 408 flagellate land plant probe set to elucidate their identity. Our results demonstrate that all the enigmatic samples correspond to a single species, L. affinis s.str. This approach provided the necessary resolution to confidently identify these challenging samples and may be a powerful tool for similar cases, especially in bryophytes.
  • Hong‐Xin Wang, Diego F. Morales‐Briones, Jacob B. Landis, Jun Wen, and Hua‐Feng Wang
    Online available: 2023-12-18
    The small subfamily Linnaeoideae of Caprifoliaceae exhibits a disjunct distribution in Eurasia and North America, including Mexico, with most taxa occurring in eastern Asia or Mexico and the monospecific Linnaea Gronov. ex L. having a circumboreal to north temperate distribution. We sampled 17 of the 20 species representing all Linnaeoideae genera and used nuclear (target enrichment) and complete plastome sequence data to reconstruct the phylogeny. Our results show strong topological conflicts between nuclear and plastid data, especially concerning Dipelta Maxim. and Diabelia Landrein, supporting hybridization events complicating the deep diversification. Nuclear data were used for divergence time estimation and ancestral area reconstruction. The divergence time between the Mexican Vesalea M. Martens & Galeotti and the Linnaea clade was dated to 39.5 Ma, with a 95% highest posterior density of 28.2 Ma (mid-Oligocene) to 45.2 Ma (mid-Eocene). Reconstructed ancestral areas support a widespread common ancestor of Linnaea plus Vesalea in Mexico and at least another area (eastern Asia, North America, or Europe). The biogeographic analysis, including fossils, supports the ancestral range of Linnaeoideae to be widespread in central and western China + Europe + Mexico, or eastern and northern Asia + central and western China + Mexico, or central and western China + North America + Mexico. The North Atlantic and/or the Bering land bridges may be important in the widespread distribution across continents in the Northern Hemisphere. Our study highlights the importance of utilizing fossils in biogeographic inferences andusing data from different genomes while reconstructing deep and shallow phylogenies of organisms.
  • Ling-Jian Gui, Deng-Feng Xie, Chang Peng, Ting Ren, Li-Ying Yu, Song-Dong Zhou, and Xing-Jin He
    Online available: 2023-11-27
    Tongoloa is a herbaceous genus of East Asia Clade (Apiaceae) distributed in the alpine regions. The use of DNA fragments has not provided a well-resolved evolutionary history. For this research, we primarily collected samples from the type localities of Tongoloa and closely related taxa in the Hengduan Mountains. The chloroplast (cp) genomes and nuclear ribosomal (nr) DNA repeats of 27 taxa were assembled using genome skimming sequencing reads. We analyzed the characteristics of the Tongoloa cp genome, and found a remarkable expansion of the Inverted Repeats. Three genes (ndhC, ndhJ, and petG) related to photosynthesis appear to have undergone significant selective pressure. Through high-resolution phylogenetic analysis, the cpDNA provided compelling evidence supporting the inclusion of Sinolimprichtia as an early taxon within Tongoloa. However, the nrDNA suggested that Tongoloa and Sinolimprichtia belong to distinct branches. Morphological analysis showed that Tongoloa has broadly oval fruits with a cordate base, whereas the fruits of Sinolimprichtia are long-obovate with an obtuse base. The specific fruit morphology of Sinolimprichtia was found to be nested within Tongoloa in the cpDNA phylogenetic tree. Ancient introgression and chloroplast capture provide the most plausible explanation for the significant conflict between the nrDNA and cpDNA phylogenies. Our study highlights the potential impact of the complex evolutionary history of Tongoloa on the challenges encountered in previous taxonomic treatments.