JSE 2018 Impact Factor is 4.040 (Q1 in Plant Sciences)
  • We are delighted to announce that the 2018 Impact Factor of the journal is 4.040—an increase on the 2017 Impact Factor of 3.657. The journal ranks 22 among 228 journals in the Plant Sciences category of SCI (Q1 quartile), an increase from the 2017 ranking of 26 among 222 journals in the same category. 

    We would like to thank the editorial board members, authors and reviewers for their great contributions to the journal! 

    Editorial Office of Journal of Systematics and Evolution
Pubdate:2019-06-21   Viewed: 1614
Song Ge
Jun Wen
Impact Factor
JCR 2022 IF ranking: 60/238 (Plant Sciences, top 25%, Q2 quartile)
Journal Abbreviation: J Syst Evol
ISSN: 1674-4918 (Print)
1759-6831 (Online)
CN: 11-5779/Q
Frequency: Bi-monthly




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