Table of Contents

18 July 2002, Volume 40 Issue 4
    Research Articles
  • WU Zheng-Yi, LU An-Ming, TANG Yan-Cheng, CHEN Zhi-Duan, LI De-Zhu
    J Syst Evol. 2002, 40(4): 289-322.
    This work is continuation of two papers published by the present authors in 1998, in which our basic viewpoints on the phylogeny and evolution of angiosperms were presented. In this paper, a new outline of classification of the Magnoliophyta (angiosperms) is proposed. The Magnoliophyta are divided into 8 classes, 40 subclasses, 202 orders and 572 families. Among them, 22 new subclasses (Annonidae, Illiciidae, Ceratophyllidae, Lauridae, Calycanthidae, Chloranthidae, Aristolochiidae, Polygonidae, Plumbaginidae, Bromeliidae, Zingiberidae, Juncidae, Poaidae, Paeoniidae, Papaveridae, Trochodendridae, Betulidae, Malvidae, Ericidae, Myrtidae, Rutidae, Geraniidae) and 6 new orders (Degeneriales, Aizoales, Platanales, Dipentodontales, Meliosmales, Balanitales) are circumscribed. The number of genera and speciesin the families and each family’s geographical distribution are given.
  • LI Chun-Xiang, YANG Qun
    J Syst Evol. 2002, 40(4): 323-333.
    DNA sequences from rbc L and mat K genes were used to assess relationships between and within traditional Taxodiaceae and Cupressaceae (s. s. ) and together with fossil records to construct molecular clocks for estimating the divergence time of the major clades of Taxodiaceae and Cupressaceae (s. s. ). Relative-rate tests were used to assess homogeneity of substitution rates among the lineages. The genera or clades, which had not passed the test, were excluded from the molecular clock construction. The molecular clocks were calibrated using nonsynonymous substitution ratesper site and fossil records. The result of molecular clock analysis shows that the divergence time of major lineages of Taxodiaceae is in the Jurassic time, which supports the views that the modem Taxodiaceae were well established by the Jurassic time. The estimated time when the Southern and Northern Hemisphere clades of Cupressaceae (s. s. ) (Callitroideae and Cupressoideae) diverged is 124 Ma, which is consistent with the viewpoint that the two subfamilies formed with the separation of the two related ancient land masses (Gondwanaland and Laurasia) during the Late Jurassic or the Early Cretaceous, implying that the modern Cupressaceae (s. s. ) were well established by the Cretaceous time.
  • DAI Shao-Jun, WANG Quan-Xi, BAO Wen-Mei, SHING Kung-Hsia
    J Syst Evol. 2002, 40(4): 334-344.
    Spore morphology of 51 species of Cyclosorus in the Thelypteridaceae from China was investigated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The spores are monolete, bilaterosymmetric, ellipsoidal in polar view, and kidney-shaped in equatorial view. On the basis of the variation in their surface ornamentation, the spores fall into three main types. Type I: The surface of spores is echinate or perforate with fimbriate wings. 19 species belong to this type. Type Ⅱ: The surface of spores is cristate. 11 species belong to this type. Type Ⅲ: The surface of spores is echinulate. 10 species belong to this type. The remaining 11 species have spores with mixed surface ornamentation of the above three types, which are considered as intermediate types. The results are valuable for a better understanding of the taxonomy and palynology of the genus Cyclosorus.
  • ZHANG Gang-Min, ZHANG Xian-Chun
    J Syst Evol. 2002, 40(4): 345-350.
    Spore morphology of five species and three varieties of Leptolepidium was examined under LM and SEM. Two distinctive types of spores were found: subglobose spore with cristate or reticulate perine in L. dalhousiae and L. duthiei, and tetrahedral-globose spore with almost smooth perine in L. kuhnii, L. caesium and L. subvillosum. The first type of spores is also represented in the genus Aleuritopteris. The relationship between Leptolepidium and Aleuritopteris needs more studies.
  • LIU Xing, WANG Yong, WANG Qing-Feng, GUO You-Hao
    J Syst Evol. 2002, 40(4): 351-356.
    Chromosome numbers of four species of Isoetes from China are reported. The basic chromosome number in the four species is x = 11. A chromosome number of 2n = 22 was reported for the first time in I. hypsophila Hand.-Mazz. The 2n =22 was also found for l. taiwanensis DeVoI, being consistent with previous report. I. sinensis Palmer from China has a chromosome number of 2n =44, which is different from that reported for I. sinensis Palmer from Japan (2n = 44, 65, 66,68). Another species of Isoetes from the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, which had previously been identified as I. japonica A. Br., has been shown to have a chromosome number of 2n = 22, which is completely different from that reported for the latter species (2n= 66, 67, 77, 87, 88, 89). More intensive studies on this new species should be made. Data from cytology and morphology of Isoetes species in China suggest that they may provide valuable clues for a better understanding of the origin and evolution of the genus Isoetes in East Asia.
  • LI Ru-Juan, SHANG Zong-Yan
    J Syst Evol. 2002, 40(4): 357-363.
    Five species of four main groups of Cornus L. (s. l. ) from China were investigated cytologically. The chromosome numbers and karyotype formalas are as follows: C. controversa Hemsl. 2n=20=2m+8sm+10st; C. alba L. 2n=22=8sm+12st+2t; C. walteri Wanger. 2n=22= 8sm + 14st (0-2SAT); C. officinalis Seib. et Zucc. 2n = 18 = 8m + 10sm (0-2SAT); C. kousa var. chinensis Osborn 2n = 22 = 2sm + 6st (0-2SAT) + 14t.
  • LIU Zhong-Jian, CHEN Sing-Chi, ZHANG Jian-Yong
    J Syst Evol. 2002, 40(4): 364-370.
    Two new orchid taxa, Paphiopedilum globulosum Z. J. Liu et S. C. Chen and Paphiopedilum micranthum Tang et Wang var. oblatum Z. J. Liu et J. Y. Zhang, are described and illustrated based on cultivated plants originating in southeastern Yunnan. Both of them are related to Paphiopdilum micranthum Tang et Wang, from which the former differs by having much broader leaves 2.8 ~ 3.4 cm wide, a somewhat hooked-tipped lip 1.1 ~ 1.2 cm wide, and a staminode al-most as big as the mouth of the lip, and the latter by broader leaves 2.2 ~ 3 cm wide and an oblate lip at a depth of no more than 1 cm. They all belong to the subgenus Brachypetalum (s. l. ). A key to 16 Chinese and Vietnamese species of this subgenus is provided.
  • GAO Tian-Gang, CHEN Yi-Ling
    J Syst Evol. 2002, 40(4): 371-373.
    Nannoglottis souliei (Franch.) Ling et Y. L. Chen is considered as a synonym of N. gynura (C. Winkl.) Ling et Y. L. Chen.
  • SHUI Yu-Min
    J Syst Evol. 2002, 40(4): 374-376.
  • HE Yun-He
    J Syst Evol. 2002, 40(4): 380-382.
  • LI Zhen-Yu, SONG Bao-Hua, LI Fa-Zeng
    J Syst Evol. 2002, 40(4): 383-384.
    Examination of the type specimens of Amaranthus taishanensis F. Z. Li et C. K. Ni shows that it is actually conspecific with A. polygonoides L., a North American species.