Table of Contents

10 September 2000, Volume 38 Issue 5
    Research Articles
  • WANG Wen-Tsai
    J Syst Evol. 2000, 38(5): 401-429.
    (1) The systematic positions of Clematis potaninii Maxim., C . heynei Rau, C. trichotoma Nakai, C. apiculata Hook. f. & Thoms, C. theobromina Dunn, C. sigensis Engler,C. hedysarifolia DC., and C. dissecta Baker, and the specific status of C. trifida Hook, C.pimpinellifolia Hook., C. oligophylla Hook., and Clematopsis lineariloba Hutch. are discussed; (2) New classifications for Clematis parviloba Gardn. & Champ., C. puberula Hook. f. & Thoms., and sect. Naraveliopsis Hand.-Mazz. are provided; (3) Clematis subsect. Potaninianae M. Johnson, C. heynei M. Johnson, C. petelotii Gagnep. and some other names are reduced to synonymy; (4) Two subsections, 4 series, 4 species, and 4 varieties are described as new; (5)Four new ranks and 4 new combinations are made.
  • PU Fa-Ting, WANG Ping-Li, ZHENG Zhong-Hua, WANG You-Ping
    J Syst Evol. 2000, 38(5): 430-436.
    The genus Notopterygium is endemic to China. The plants of this genus are important traditional Chinese medicine. When established by H. de Boissieu in 1903, Notopterygium included only two species, i.e.N. franchetii and N. forbesii. Within nearly a century, five more specific names had been added to this genus, i.e.N. forrestii H. Wolff, N. oviforme Shan, N. incisum Ting ex H. T. Chang, N. pinnatiinvolucellatum Pu et Y. P. Wang, N. tenuifolium Sheh et Pu. Based on field ervation and examination of herbarium specimens, all the taxa in this genus were taxonomically reviewed and their nomenclature was carefully checked. N. oviforme was treated as a subspecies under N. forbesii. We agree with Chang He-Tseng in reducing N. franchetii to N.forbesii as a synonym. As a result, five species, one of which contains a subspecies, are recognized. Based on the morphology of involucel bractlets as well as their relevant characters, Notopterygium is divided into two sections.
    Sect. 1. Notopterygium Basal and proximal cauline leaves 2-ternate to 2 ~3-ternate-pinnate, ultimate divisions broadovate or ovate-lanceolate; involucel bractlets linear, entire, vascular bundles of petiole approximately equal in size. This section contains two species and one subspecies.
    Sect. 2. Tenuifolium Pu, sect. nov.Basal and proximal cauline leaves 2 ~3-ternate-pinnate, ultimate divisions ranceolate,
    ovate-lanceolate or linear; involucel bractlets linear, entire or oblanceolate, 2 ∽ 3-fid or pinnate at the apex; vascular bundles of petiole unequal in size. This section centains three species.

  • SUN Cheng-Ren
    J Syst Evol. 2000, 38(5): 437-445.
    Pollen morphology of 91 samples, representing 23 species, 6 varieties and 1 form of the Schisandraceae, was examined under light microscope (LM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). Palynological data of 5 species, 4 varieties and 1 form are reported for the first time. The pollen grains are monads, heteropolar, radiosymmetric and oblate to peroblate in shape. Arrangement of their colpi is unique in angiosperms. The pollen grains can be divided into two types according to the number of their clopi: the tricolpate pollen type and the hexacolpate pollen type. The exine sculpturing is reticulate. The size of luminae and the breadth of muri are correlated with the floral morphology of the hisandraceae to a certain extent. Our results do not support the division of the pollen grains of the Schisandraceae into 4 types according to the size of inae as proposed by Praglowski. There is also still room of discussion about his conclusion that the pole where the three longer colpi converge is the distal pole. The evolutionary trends of the pollen grains of the Schisandraceae seem to be from fewer to more in the number of colpi, and from smaller to larger in the size of luminae. The view that Kadsura is more primitive than Schisnadra is not supported by palynological data; on the contrary, Kadsura seems to be more advanced than Schisandra at the general level of evolution. The two genera may be closely related, and might have originated from a common ancestor and then evolved parallelly along two different routes.
  • ZHOU Zhong-Ze, XU Ren-Xin, ZHUANG Yong-Long, LIN Zhong-Qing
    J Syst Evol. 2000, 38(5): 446-451.
    Pollen grains of 15 species representing 6 genera in the Polygonaceae were examined under scanning electron microscope (SEM) and mission electron microscope (TEM). The results are summarized as follows: (1) The ornamentation of exine is granulate-perforate, microechinate-perforate, microechinate-perforate-smooth, granulate-perforate-smooth,finely reticulate, coarsely reticulate, or rugulate, granulate. (2) Under TEM all of the taxa examined generally have the exine stratification typical of the dicots:
    tectum, columellae, foot layer and endexine, although differences in the development of each of these units have resulted in variation in the exine structure.
  • WANG Ping-Li, PU Fa-Ting, ZHENG Zhong-Hua
    J Syst Evol. 2000, 38(5): 452-461.
    The present paper describes the pollen morphology of 26 species and 2 varieties in Nothofagus from Australia,
    New Zealand, New Caledonia, New Guinea and South America. Pollen grains were all examined with light
    microscope (LM), scanning electron microscope ( SEM ) and transmission electron microscope(TEM). A
    comparative analysis of pollen exine ultrastructure was made for some species. The results are summarised
    as follows: Pollen grains are oblate to peroblate, 5~8-short-colpate, rarely 4- or 9-colpate; colpi generally
    thickened at margins; pollen surface spinulose. The exine ultrastructure of Nothofagus differs considerably
    from that of the other genera in the Fagaceae. The pollen grains of the species examined here show great
    differences in shape, size, colpal number and characteristics of colpi at margins and could be divided into
    three distinct types, i.e. N. brassii type; N. menziesii type and N. fusca type.
  • ZHU Hua, WANG Hong, LI Bao-Gui
    J Syst Evol. 2000, 38(5): 462-463.
  • LIU Zhong-Jian, CHEN Sing-Chi
    J Syst Evol. 2000, 38(5): 464-466.
  • LIU Zhong-Jian, ZHANG Jian-Yong
    J Syst Evol. 2000, 38(5): 467-470.
    Paphiopedilum singchii Z. J. Liu et J. Y. Zhang is described based on two flowering plants cultivated in the Shenzhen City Wutongshan Nurseries. It was said that the plants were collected from southern Yunnan.
  • SHI Chu, JIN Shu-Ying, CHEN Shu-Rong
    J Syst Evol. 2000, 38(5): 471-471.
  • WANG You-Fang, ZHU Jun, HU Ren-Liang
    J Syst Evol. 2000, 38(5): 472-485.
    From 1896 to 1898, Carolo Mueller published thirteen Chinese species in the genus Brachythecium based on Jos. Giraldi’s collections from Shaanxi Province made during 1890~1896. They are B . campylothallum , B . amnicolum , B . homocladum , B . pinnirameum , B . permolle , B . glauco-viride, B . garovaglioides, B . viridefactum, B . glauculum, B . perminusculum, B . dicranoides , B . micrangium and B . thraustum . In this paper, holotypes of nine species, isotypes of three species, and one specimen which was examined by Mueller himself and referred to as B . thraustum by him, were studied. As a result, B . permolle and B . glauco-viride are reduced to B . rivulare as synonyms, B . wichurae is reduced to B . garovaglioides, B . micrangium is transferred to the genus Okamuraea as an independent species, i. e. O. micrangia (C. Muell. ) Wanget Hu, and the remaining 9 species are still recognized as species in the genus Brachythecium.
  • ZHAO Zuo-Cheng, ZHOU Ming-De, LUO Ding-Ze, SHEN Guo-Kun, HOU Xin
    J Syst Evol. 2000, 38(5): 486-489.
    Macro- and micro-morphological characteristics of fruits in eight species and one variety of the genus Fagopyrum Mill. (Polygonaceae) from China were observed under stereoscope and scanning electron microscope(SEM). Based on the results, the fruits of the species studied are divided into type Ⅰ , Ⅱ and Ⅲ. The fruits of type Ⅰ are triangular-pyramidal; their surface are rugosely reticulate, neither smooth nor shiny. Two species, F. tataricum and F. dibotrys have this fruit type. Those of type Ⅱ are ovoid-triangular-pyramidal; their surface are smooth and shiny, and striately reticulate. Three species, F. esculentum, F. statice and F. lineare, have this fruit type. In type Ⅲ, the fruits are ovoid-triangular-pyramidal; their surface are smooth and shiny, and covered with many warty grains and sparsely finely striate. F. urophyllum, F. gracilipes, F. leptopodum var. leptopodum, and F. leptopodum var. grossii have this fruit type. Judging from the morphological characteristics of fruits, F. dibotrys might be more closely related to F. tataricumthan to F. esculentum.