Table of Contents

10 January 1999, Volume 37 Issue 1
    Research Articles
  • YANG Qin-Er
    J Syst Evol. 1999, 37(1): 1-9.
    In this paper, the chromosomes of Beesia calthifolia were re-examined. In the 40 plant individuals of the population from Xinning County, Hunan Province, central China, one was found to be tetraploid with the karyotype formula of 2n=4x=32=16m+8sm+4st + 4t, and the remaining were all found to be diploids with the karyotype formula of 2n=2x =16=8m+4sm+2st+2t. All the 10 individuals of the population from Cangshan Mountain, Dali City, Yunnan Province, southwestern China, were unexpectedly found to be tetraploids with the karyotype formula of 2n=4x=32=16m+8sm+4st+4t. Tetraploid cytotype was reported in this species for the first time. Based on the results and those previously reported, it is considered that there may exist some errors in the results of the karyotype analysis of this species previously reported by Shang(1985). He might have at least mistakenly recognized the centromere position of the fourth pair of chromosomes. This pair of chromosomes should have subterminal rather than median centromeres. Furthermore, the karyotypic differences of B. calthifolia and B. deltophylla were analyzed and the systematicposition of the genus Beesia was discussed in detail.
  • ZHOU Shi-Liang
    J Syst Evol. 1999, 37(1): 10-19.
    Seven species were recognized in Mosla in China. M. pauciflora (C. Y. Wu) C. Y. Wu et H. W. Li is an allotetraploid (2n=36 ), while the other six species are diploids (2n=18). Cluster analysis based on allozyme data from 28 loci of 15 enzyme systems reveals that the six diploid species formed three species pairs. M. cavaleriei Lé closely related to M. dianthera (Buch.-Ham. ex Roxb. ) Maxim., M. chinensis and M. hangchouensis Matsuda are sibling species, and M. scabra (Thunb.) C. Y. Wu et H. W. Li is allied to M. soochouensis. Although M. cavaleriei and M. dianthera are close relatives, considerable genetic divergence has been detected between them. One third of alleles are unique to either of them, and 28.6 % of their loci have different alleles fixed. The average genetic identity ( 1 ) between populations of these two species is 0.770, and the average genetic distance (D) is 0.261. M. scabra and M. soochouensis are the least divergent species pair (I =0.979, D=0.025). No completely divergent locus was detected, and the percentages of unique alleles are 11.1% to M. scabra and 16.7 % to M. soochouensis. This finding indicates that a high level of genetic differentiation is unnecessarily a prerequisite of speciation. A moderate divergence is detected between M. chinensis and M. hangchouensis (I=0.899, D=0.107, and 7.1% of completely diverged loci) yet the latter harbors four times as many unique alleles (45.1% ) as the former does(11.8 % ). Compared to the genetic divergence between M. scabra and M. soochouensis, M. dianthera and M. hangchouensis and may well been undergoing active speciation have the high genetic distance betweenpopulations (0.034 and 0.026 respectively).
  • JING Wang-Chun, XU Jie-Mei, YANG Lei
    J Syst Evol. 1999, 37(1): 20-34.
    Allium Sect. Anguinum G. Don (Liliaceae) includes five species and three varieties. The results of investigation on 23 local populations, representing five species and one variety of this section, are as follows: (1) In this section, the basic chromosome number is x=8, and the karyotypes of all the species belong to 2A type. All the populations have similar metaphase chromosomes. The similar karyotypical features support the viewpoint that Sect. Anguinum is a natural taxon. (2) Despite the fact that the karyotypicat features appear to be similar, karyotypical differences exist in some populations within the same species or among the species. First, there are various levels of ploidy. Second, the occurrence, number and shape of B chromosomes are variable among the populations. Third, as for the satellite chromosomes, there is a polymorphism in occurrence of the tandem satellites. (3) Highly sterile triploid of Allium ovalifolium has a kind of stolon and expands population by vegeta tive propagation. (4) According to widely geographical distribution and relatively old geological history of the geographical area, A. victorialis is considered as a primitive species in this section. This species, by means of geographical (gradual) speciation, has evolved step by step to the other species. (5) According to the geographical distribution and evolutionary process of Sect. Anguinum, it is proposed that the region from the Hengduan Mountains to the Qingling Range of China be the center of present distribution and differentiation of thesection.
  • ZHANG Ding-Cheng, SUN Ye-Gen, ZHENG Yan, SHAO Jian-Zhang
    J Syst Evol. 1999, 37(1): 35-39.
    Lycoris sprengeri Comes ex Baker is endemic to China. Reported in the present paper are the chromosomes number and karyotypes for two wild populations of the species from Anhui. ( 1 )Caishi population has a karyotype 2n=33=9st+21t+3T. The length of chromosomes ranges from 5.58~9.15μm. The karyotype belongs to Stebbin’s (1971) “4A”. (2)Longyashan populations have two karyotypes. The karyotype formula of the type I is 2n=22=8st+14t, with chromosomes ranging from 6.88~9.15μm. The karyotype belongs to “4A”. The karyotype formula of the type Ⅱ is 2n=22=1m+1sm+14st+6t, with chromosomes ranging from 7.20~15.80μm. The karyotype belongs to “3B”. The triploid type of L. sprengeri was discovered in Anhui for the first time. The karyotype 2n=22 =1m+1sm+14st+6t in diploid type of this species is here reported for the first time.The Robertsonian change plays a key role in karyotype evolution of Lycoris.
  • ZHANG Li-Bing, KUNG Hsian-Shiu
    J Syst Evol. 1999, 37(1): 40-53.
    After the genus Phlegmariurus (Herter)Holub was proposed by J. Holub 1964, the repercussions are different, with some botanists accepting it, while others refusing. We take it as a separate genus since the related species from China are distinctly different from those of Huperzia Bernh. The plants of this genus in China are classified into three sections: Sect. Huperzioides H. S. Kung et L. B. Zhang, sect. nov.; Sect. Carinaturus (Herter)H. S. Kung et L. B. Zhang, comb. nov. and Sect. Phlegmariurus. A key to sections is given. The taxonomy on the new section, Sect. Huperzioides, is presented. Thirteen species are reported in China, involving 4 new combinations: Ph. petiolatus (Clarke)H. S. Kung et L. B. Zhang, Ph. cryptomerianus (Maxim.)Ching, Ph. ovatifolius (Ching)W. M. Chu, Ph. nylamensis (Ching et S. K. Wu)H. S. Kung et L. B. Zhang; and 7 names are considered for the first time as synonyms: Huperzia formosana Holub [ = Ph. taiwanensis Ching ], H. austrosinica Ching [ = Ph. petiolatus ], Lycopodium mingchgense Ching [ = Ph. mincheensis Ching ], Ph. mincheensis var. angustifolius C. Y. Ma [ = Ph. mincheensis ], Ph. longyangensis C. Y. Ma [ = Ph. fordii ], Ph. nanus C. Y. Ma [ = Ph. fordii ], Ph. yandongensis Ching et C. F. Zhang [ = Ph.fordii]. One new record in China is found: Ph.hamiltonii.
  • SHI Lei, ZHANG Xian-Chun
    J Syst Evol. 1999, 37(1): 54-80.
    A revision is made of the genus Colysis from China and its adjacent regions on the basis of field studies and herbarium observations. Nine species and one hybrid are recognized based on the spore morphology, cytology and geographical distribution. Colysis elliptica is divided into five varieties. Scale-like sporiangial paraphyses are found in sori of Colysiswrightii for the first time.
  • ZHANG Li-Bing, KUNG Hsian-Shiu
    J Syst Evol. 1999, 37(1): 81-85.
    A new section (Sect. Neopolystichu Ching) of Polystichum Roth is described. The lanceolate microscales on the lower surfaces of pinnules make this section very different from Sect. Metapolystichum Tagawa(emend. Zhang & Kung, 1996). The new section is taxonomically treated with seven species recorded in it. It is considered that P. kiusiuense Tagawa is a synonym of P. grandifrons C. Chr. and it is very possible that P. biarista-tum (B1.) Moore is not distributed in the Himalayas, Indo-China, Myanmar and Yunnan.
  • CHEN Yi-Ling
    J Syst Evol. 1999, 37(1): 88-99.
  • SHI Lei
    J Syst Evol. 1999, 37(1): 100-102.
  • LIU Yong-Qiang, QIAN Shi-Xin
    J Syst Evol. 1999, 37(1): 103-104.
  • ZHANG Jia-Yan, LU Mu-Nan, WANG Zhi-Ming
    J Syst Evol. 1999, 37(1): 105-109.
  • ZHANG Zhi-Yun
    J Syst Evol. 1999, 37(1): 110-112.
    Three different Latin names, i.e. Bucklandia R. Brown ex Griff., Symingtonia Steenis and Exbucklandia R. W. Brown, have been used for the same genus of the Hamamelidaceae in various botanical books and papers for a long time. Symingtonia Steenis has been widespread and cited as a valid Latin name for this genus. However, the present author found Exbucklandia R. W. Brown to be the only valid Latin name fro this genus and suggested to treat the other two Latin names as synonyms of this genus. The nomenclatural notes for the species are presented in the paper.