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10 July 1991, Volume 29 Issue 4
    Research Articles
  • Ma Wei-Liang
    J Syst Evol. 1991, 29(4): 289-314.
    This paper consists of a part of pertinent data obtained through a critical study of Eriocaulaceae from China. Included in it are three new series: Leiantha, Robustiora and Mangshanensia; seven new species: Eriocaulon acutibracteatum, E. angustulum, E. bilobatum, E. leianthum, E. sclerophyllum, E. glabri-petalum and E. mangshanense; five new varieties: E. rockianum var. latifolium, E. merrillii var. longibracteatum, E. sikokianum var. Linanense, E. alpestre var. sichanense and E. nantoense var. micropetalum; two new combinations: E. yaoshanense var. brevicalyx; E. nantoense var. parviceps; three new records in China: E. brownianum, E.brownianum var.nilagirense, E. zollingerianum; five: E. henryanum, E.pullum, E. yaoshanense, E. taishanense and E.faberi. In addition, fifteen taxon names are newly reduced to synonyms: E. yunnanense=E. brownianum; E. longifolium, E. sexangulare var. longifolium, E. sinii, E. kwangtungense and E. willdinovianum = E. sexangulare; E. setaceum var. capillus-naiadis= E. setaceum; E. filifolium = E. yaoshanense; E. suishaense, E. merrillii var. suishaense=E.merrillii; E. kengii=E.sikokianum; E. whangii=E.buergerianum; E. nipponicum, E. decemflorum var. nipponicum= E. decemflorum and E. nantoense var.trisectum = E. nantoense var.parviceps.
  • Hu Xiao-Yun, Wu Pan-Cheng
    J Syst Evol. 1991, 29(4): 315-334.
    Mt. Jinfu, located at 29°05'N,107°10'E,is the highest mountain in the southeastern part of Sichuan Province, and is the northern extension of the Dalou Mountains of Guizhou Province. Its main peak is 2251 m above the sea level, and its bottom is only 600 m. Since 1920s', Professor P. C. Chen etc.collected about 400 packages of mosses from Mt. Jinfu. In 1986 and 1987, the present authors and M. Z. Wang collected about 1500 packages of mosses in the same mountain. From all these specimens, 40 families, 133 genera and 245 species, (including 4 subspecies, 9 varieties and 1 form)are identified, including 4 newly recorded species in China. Among them 9 families, 60 genera and 169 species of mosses are first found in Mt. Jinfu. Concerning the elements of the mossflora of Mt. Jinfu, East-Asiatic elements are the most important ones (33.77%), and the Holarctic elements (28.57%)and the tropical and subtropical elements (24.68%)are also abundant there (Table 1). The bryoflora of Mt. Jinfu is a part of the bryoflora of Central China, which was recognized by P. C. Chen in 1958. Comparison between the bryofloras of Mt. Jinfu in Southwest China, the Qinling Range in Northwest China and Mt. Shennongjia in Central China seems to show that these bryofloras are the transitional ones between North and South China. The tropical and subtropical elements, such as Duthiella speciosissima, Meteorium helminthocladum, Chrysocladium retrorsum and Homaliodendron scalpellifolium etc., extend northwards to the southern slope of the Qinling Range. However, the Holarctic ones, Cratoneuron filicinum and Aulacomnium heterostichum etc, widely distributed in Europe, North Asia and North China, are now known from Mt. Jinfu. Among the genera of mosses endemic to East Asia 11 occur in Mt. Jinfu. In fact, East-Asiatic genera in Mt. Jinfu consist of Sino-Japanese elements and Sino-Himalayan ones. The overlapping of the above two elements in Mt. Jinfu (Fig. 1)shows the transitional characteristic of its bryoflora. They are corresponding to the geographical location and the characteristic of the climate of Mt. Jinfu. The ordination method was also used for calculating the bryofloras of 9 major mountains or regions (including Mt. Jinfu)in China(Fig.2). The relationships of the bryoflora between Mt. Huangshan and Mt. Wuyi are very close, and the bryofloras of West Sichuan and the Qinling Range are in another group. However, the bryoflora of Mt. Jinfu shows the transitional characteristic of the mossflora in China. The concentrated distribution of the East-Asiatic endemic genera and the genera endemic to China in Mt. Jinfu may indicate that Mt. Jinfu and its neighbouring mountains are adistribution center. Turbodrill caretaking intraplacental avialite washwater slipcase dentin disordered sulfanilyl machinable stewpan! Netherward pressbodies horror abscissa, keratosis frieze. Bgy unwrapped.
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  • Dai Lun-Kai, Liang Song-Yun
    J Syst Evol. 1991, 29(4): 335-346.
    This paper reports epidermal features of leaves in Ophiopogonoideae. Thirty-nine species and one variety (29 species, 1 variety in Ophiopogon, 6 species in Liriope, 4 species in Peliosanthes)were examined under scanning electron microscope. In addition, transections of stomatal apparatuses of six species (Ophiopogon: 3 species; Liriope: 2 species; Peliosanthes: 1 species) were made and examined under light microscope. The stomatal apparatus in Liriope, Ophiopogon and Peliosanthes is of the anomocytic type. These types of epidermal features of leaves in these genera are recognized: Cuticular processes type, No cuticular processes type and No stomatal band type. The cuticular processes type can be further divided into three patterns: Fibrillose, Massive and Wrinkled-massive. The taxonomic value of the epidermal features of leaves in Ophiopogonoideae is rather evident. (1)These epidermal features can be used to distinguish among those species of Ophiopogon, Liriope and Peliosanthes, even in their vegetative state; (2) The different patterns of cuticular processes are helpful to reasonable classification of some species in Ophiopogon, (3)They are of great value for recognizing some sections, (4) These epidermal features of leaves also provide evidence for further discussion on relationships among Ophiopogon, Liriope, and Peliosanthes. The evolutionary trend of the epidermal features of leaves in Ophiopogonoideae is No stomatal band type→No cuticular process type(stomatal band)→Cuticular process type (stomatal band). According to the epidermal features of leaves, flowers and fruits, Ophiopogon, Liriope and Peliosanthes are closely related, forming a subfamily Ophiopogonoideae. Ophiopogon is more close to Liriope than to Peliosanthes, and they should be grouped into the same tribe-Ophiopogoneae. Liriope seems to be more primitive than Ophiopogon. Peliosanthes, which constitutes another tribe of its ownPeliosantheae, is more advanced than Ophiopogon and Liriope, and it might have beenderived from its ancestor early.
  • Zhang Jin-Tan (Chang King-Tang), Zhang Da-Wei
    J Syst Evol. 1991, 29(4): 347-351.
    The present paper describes the pollen morphology of 11 species of thc genus Corylopsis (Hamamelidaceae). The pollen grains were all examined with light microscope and scanning electron microscope. Pollen grains of the genus are prolate, spheroidal or subprolate. Three size types are recognized: (l) 18-23 μm, found in Corylopsis omeiensis Yang, C.gotoana Makino, C. himalayana Griff and C.platypetala Rehd. et Wils. (2) 24-32μm, found in C. sinensis Hemsl., C.willmottiae Rehd. et Wils., C.veitchiana Bean, C. brevistyla H.T.Chang, C.multiflora Hance, C.pauciflora Sieb. et Zucc. and C.spicata Sieb. Zucc. (3) 34-39μm, found in C. wilsonii Hemsl. and C. cordata Merrill. Pollen grains are 3-colpate and 4-colpate (only infrequently found in Corylopsis sinensis Hemsl.); the exine is 2-layered, 1.25-2.50μm thick, distinctly reticulate, sexine almost equal to nexine in thickness. From the pollen morphology the genus is considered as a natu-ral group.
  • Lu Ying-Qing
    J Syst Evol. 1991, 29(4): 352-357.
    Two forms of pollen morphology of Impatiens L. (Balsminaceae) have been described before: 3-colpate and 4-colpate pollen grains. Pollen grains of 13 species of Impatiens on Mt. Omei were examined under SEM for the first time and both forms were observed here, which imply the diversity of species in this region. Of the two forms, 3-colpate one is quite similar to that of the genus Hydrocera Blume (Balsaminaceae) in external morphology. This relation also exists between the 3-colpate pollen group and Hydrocera in habit, habitat, and distribution, etc. It is supposed that the group with 3-colpate pollen type is a natural one, and may have a close relationship with Hydrocera. The pollen morphology is of important significance in classification of the taxa and evaluation of systematic position in the fami-ly balsaminaceae.
  • Zhu Min, Xiao Pei-Gen
    J Syst Evol. 1991, 29(4): 358-369.
    According to chemical constituents, plant morphology and geographic distribution of Thalictrum in China, the relationships among sections in the genus are discussed in the present paper. The results show: 1. China is one of the major distribution centers of Thalictrum plants, with half of species endemic. Compared with species in other regions of the world, Chinese ones are relatively primitive. 2. From the chemosystematic point of view, the system of the genus adopted in Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. is reasonable. 3. The main constituents of Thalictrum plants are benzylisoquinoline alkaloids. A correlation exists between the chemical patterns and plant evolution. The different sections are of different structure types. Aporphine-benzylisoquinoline and bisbenzylisoquinoline are major constituents in Sect. Leptostigma. Sect. Tripterium contains mainly aporphines, but non-alkaloid compounds are principal constituents in several species. In Sects. Thalictum and Schlagintweitella and Subgen. Leconyerium, types and content of alkaloids increase obviously and thus there are medicinal species. So these sections should be interested in developing some active constituents of antitumor, hypotenstion and antibacterium. 4. The genus occupies a special position in Ranunculaceae, as a transition to link the follicle plants and achene plants. Meanwhile, because the genus is rich in benzylisoquinoline alkaloids, the opinion that the Ranunculaceae, Berberidaceae, Menispermaceae andPapaveraceae form a natural group is even more strongly supported.
  • Zhang Zhi
    J Syst Evol. 1991, 29(4): 370-371.
    One new species of the genus Gynostemma, G. pallidinerve Z. Zhang, is described from southeastern Anhui, China.
  • Yu Min-Juan, Wei Yin-Xin, Richard Starr
    J Syst Evol. 1991, 29(4): 372-379.
    This paper deals with the morphology and life cycle of a new species of Dysmorphococcus oblatus Yu et Wei (Phacotaceae, Volvocales) from Africa. The alga seems to be morphologically rather distinct from the other members (lorica, protoplast and number of pyrenoid). Moreover, a comparison is made of overall morphological and reproductive characteristics of the present taxon with the other 8 known species of this genus. The cultural experiment of the life cycle of this alga reveals certain attributes unrecorded for early described species of this genus. The alga is homothallic, and heterogametic and sexual reproduc-tion produces 32-64 male gametes and 2 female gametes.
  • Ling Yuan-Jie, Li Zhen, Deng Guo-Zheng
    J Syst Evol. 1991, 29(4): 380-384.