Lu An-Ming, Chang Chin-Yü
J Syst Evol. 1978, 16(4): 1-15.
The current problems being studied by different authors of the evolution of
angiosperms are reviewed in general. An analysis of the arguments on principles and
methodology of the system of plant classification have been made. We support the
views put forward by the phylogenetic school and hold that phylogeny should be
taken as the guiding principles upon which the classificational system of angiosperms
should be built and as the ultimate aim of taxonomy. We disagree with the views of
the phenetic school. The course of evolution is a unity of the process of the origin
and the development in its history and the process of dispersal of angiopserms on
earth. The contradiction of variability and heredity is the driving force in the evolution of angiopserms, nay, of all organisms.
In the methodology we suggest that comparative analysis should ge hand in hand
with the experimental synthesis. In essence, the classification based on overall similarities or most numbers of attributes to determine the relationships between various
groups of angi osperms is the deductive inference of formal logic. For the elucidation
of the laws of the origin and development of angiosperms the method of analysis and
synthesis of the dialectical logic should be adopted.
The progress of studies achieved in the origin and angiopserms of particularly
monocotyledons has been summarized, and the common points and discrepancies of the
authors have also been pointed out. The tendency of further development in the studies of the origin of angiosperms has been estimated. All branches of botany have
acumulated a large amount of data. Since 1960 some significant works have been
done, especially on the origin and early evolution of angiosperms, which has been being
the central problem of more intensive study challenging all botanist of different disciplines today.
The review is concluded with a proposal that in order to do further research on
the origin and early evolution of angiopserms, all branches of botany must cooperate,
and main attention should be paid to the important groups which may play a key rolein the development of plant life on earth.