J Syst Evol

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Allopolyploidization events and immense paleogenome reshuffling underlying the diversification of plants and secondary metabolites in Oleaceae

Jiaqi Wang1†, Yue Ding1†, Yinfeng Li1†, Xintong Gao1†, Xiangming Kong1, Feng Long1, Yishan Feng1, Yan Zhang1, Yu Li1, Zijian Yu1, Tianyu Lei1,2,3, Li Wang1*, Xiu‐Qing Li4*, and Jinpeng Wang1*   

  1. 1Department of Bioinformatics, School of Life Sciences, North China University of Science and Technology, Tangshan 063000, Hebei, China
    2State Key Laboratory of Plant Diversity and Specialty Crops, Institute of Botany, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093, China
    3University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
    4Fredericton Research and Development Centre, Agriculture and Agri‐Food Canada, Fredericton E3B 4Z7, NB, Canada
    These authors contributed equally to this study.
    *Authors for correspondence. Jinpeng Wang. E‐mail: wangjinpeng@ncst.edu.cn; Xiu‐Qing Li. E‐mail: lixiuqing.science@outlook.com; Li Wang. E‐mail: wlsh219@126.com
  • Received:2023-12-12 Accepted:2024-05-18 Online:2024-07-01
  • Supported by:
    This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (32170236), the Hebei Natural Science Foundation (C2020209064 and H2020209001), and Key research project of North China University of Science and Technology (ZD‐YG‐202313‐23).

Abstract: Oleaceae, a eudicot family with great species diversity, has attracted much attention from botanists because it contains many plants with important economic, medicinal, and ornamental values. However, the history of polyploidization and ancestral genome reshuffling of Oleaceae remains unclear. Here, we clarified an Oleaceae-common hexaploidization (OCH) event occurring at ~53–61 million years ago (Ma) common in all Oleaceae plants and an Oleaceae-recent tetraploidization (ORT) event occurring at ~18–21 Ma shared by the lineages of Syringa, Olea, Osmanthus, and Fraxinus. We found that high-frequency polyploidization events drove the frequency of gene loss in Oleaceae genomes and extended the size of regions containing adjacent gene loss, thereby promoting the degree of genome fragmentation. We revealed that biased fractionation between the OCH- and ORT-produced subgenomes is likely attributed to the origin of allopolyploidization in the OCH and ORT events. Significantly, through paleochromosome rearrangement comparisons, we proposed a "two-step" genome duplication model for OCH and determined the duplicated orders of OCH tripled genome. We reconstructed 11 protochromosomes of the most recent ancestral Oleaceae karyotype (AOK) and elucidated the trajectories of immense paleochromosome reorganization of Oleaceae species from ancestral eudicot karyotype. Notably, we tracked the diversification history of secondary metabolite synthesis genes in the Oleaceae and explored the effects of paleogenome evolution on specialized metabolite synthesis. Our findings provide new insights into the polyploidization and paleogenomic evolution of Oleaceae and have important scientific significance for understanding the genetic basis of species and secondary metabolic diversity in Oleaceae.

Key words: allopolyploidization, oleaceae, oleuropein biosynthesis, paleogenome and reshuffling, terpene and phenylpropanoid/benzenoid biosynthesis