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Using phylogenomics to untangle the taxonomic incongruence of yellow-flowered Camellia species (Theaceae) in China
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Paul M. Peterson, Cristina Roquet, Konstantin Romaschenko, Yolanda Herrera Arrieta, and Alfonso Susanna.
A biogeographical analysis of Muhlenbergia (Poaceae: Chloridoideae: Cynodonteae: Muhlenbergiinae)
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Phylogeny and taxonomy of Afrocayratia, a new genus of Vitaceae from continental Africa and Madagascar
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New insights on the phylogeny of Tectaria (Tectariaceae), with special reference to Polydictyum as a distinct lineage
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A supermatrix approach provides a comprehensive genus-level phylogeny for Gentianales
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Molecular phylogeny of Glyphochloa (Poaceae, Panicoideae), an endemic grass genus from the Western Ghats, India
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