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Martha Kandziora, Juan M. Gorospe, Luciana Salomon, Diana L. A. Vásquez, Maria Pinilla Vargas, Filip Kolář, Petr Sklenář, and Roswitha Schmickl.
The ghost of past climate acting on present-day plant diversity: Lessons from a climate-based delimitation of the tropical alpine ecosystem
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Jie Gao, Kyle W. Tomlinson, Wei Zhao, Baosheng Wang, Ralph Sedricke Lapuz, Jing-Xin Liu, Bonifacio O. Pasion, Bach T. Hai, Souvick Chanthayod, Jin Chen, and Xiao-Ru Wang.
Phylogeography and introgression between Pinus kesiya and Pinus yunnanensis in Southeast Asia
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Genetic admixture of Chinese Tajik people inferred from genome-wide array genotyping and mitochondrial genome sequencing
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Extremely high diversity and endemism of chlorotypes in Wikstroemia monnula Hance (Thymelaeaceae) shed light on the effects of habitat heterogeneity on intraspecific differentiation in southeast China
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Phylogeography of Scots pine in Europe and Asia based on mtDNA polymorphisms
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Deep phylogeographic splits and limited mixing by sea surface currents govern genetic population structure in the mangrove genus Lumnitzera (Combretaceae) across the Indonesian Archipelago
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Chen-Yang Liao, Qing Gao, Deborah S. Katz-Downie, and Stephen R. Downie.
A systematic study of North American Angelica species (Apiaceae) based on nrDNA ITS and cpDNA sequences and fruit morphology
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Barış Özüdoğru, Çağaşan Karacaoğlu, Galip Akaydın, Sadık Erik, Klaus Mummenhoff, and İsmail Kudret Sağlam.
Ecological specialization promotes diversity and diversification in the Eastern Mediterranean genus Ricotia (Brassicaceae)
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