Table of Contents

10 March 1999, Volume 37 Issue 2
    Research Articles
  • CHEN Sing-Chi, TSI Zhan-Huo, ZHU Guang-Hua
    J Syst Evol. 1999, 37(2): 113-116.
    Some subtribes of the Orchidaceae are discussed; five are described as new: Sub-trib. Yoaniinae, Sterosandrinae, Risleyinae, Acanthephippiinae and Anthogoniinae.
  • ZHANG Xin-Quan, YANG Jun-Liang, YEN Chi, ZHENG You-Liang, WU Bi-Hua
    J Syst Evol. 1999, 37(2): 117-124.
    Kengyilia melanthera (Keng)J. L. Yang, Yen et Baum and K. kokonorica (Keng)J. L. Yang, Yen et Baum are two hexaploid perennial grasses of the tribe Triticeae native in west China. K. melanthera and K. kokonorica were hybridized with Roegneria kamoji Ohwi(2n=42,StStHHYY) and K. hirsuta (Keng)J. L. Yang, Yen et Baum (2n = 42, PPStStYY) respectively. Chromosome pairing behaviour at metaphase I in the parents and hybrids was studied. Meiotic configurations were 18.20 Ⅰ + 11.74 Ⅱ + 0.09 Ⅲ + 0.01V for R. kamoji×K. melanthera, 1.06Ⅰ + 20.47 Ⅱ for K. hirsuta×K. melanthera, 19.36Ⅰ + 11.26 Ⅱ + 0.04Ⅲ for R. kamoji×K. kokonorica, and2.46Ⅰ + 19.44Ⅱ + 0.14 Ⅲ + 0.06 Ⅳ for K. hirsuta×K. kokonorica. Considering chromosome pairing in the hybrids, as well as morphological characters, K. melanthera and K. kokonorica should be grouped in Kengyilia Yen et J. L. Yang instead of being keeped inRoegneria sect. Paragropyron Keng , or in Elymus L. or Elytrigia Desv.
  • ZHOU Yong-Hong, WU Bi-Hua, FU Ti-Hua, ZHENG You-Liang
    J Syst Evol. 1999, 37(2): 125-130.
    The intergeneric hybrids between Roegneria kamoji Ohwi and Dasypyrum villosum (L.)Candargy were successfully obtained by means of embryo culture in vitro. Studies on morphology, fertility and chromosome pairing behavior in meiosis of the parents and their hybrid Fl were carried out in the present work. The results showed that: (1) there were ob vious morphological differences between R. kamoji and D. villosum, and spikes of Fl plants were morphologically intermediate between the two parental species; (2) the seed set of the cross was 11.63%; the hybrid plant was infertile, which indicated that strong repro ductive isolation existed between the parents and R. kamoji and D. villosum were inde pendent biological species; (3) The somatic chromosome number in root-tips of Fl hybrids was 28. Chromosome pairing at MI of PMCs in Fl hybrids was quite low. The meiotic con figuration was 26.72 Ⅰ + 0.62 Ⅱ + 0.02 Ⅲ, which indicated that very low homoeology was detected between the St, H, Y genomes of R. kamoji and the V genome of D. villo- sum, and the relationship between the parental species was remote.
  • GUO You-Hao, HUANG Shuang-Quan
    J Syst Evol. 1999, 37(2): 131-136.
    Diverse ways of pollination, including aerial, epihydrophilous and hypohydrophilous ones occur in the Najadales. Although the knowledge of pollination biology in this order has been largely accumulated in recent years, most researchers ignored the role of stigmas in the pollination process. Based on the previous works, we supplemented observations on stigmatic characters and pollination mechanism in nine species from four families. The flowers of Aponogeton lakhonensis ( Aponogetonaceae ), Triglochin palustre ( Juncaginaceae), Potamogeton crispus, P. distinctus, P. gramineus, P. pectinatus, P. perfoliatus, P. pusillus (Potamogetonaceae), are all found to open above or on water surface. Stigmas in these species have a large surface area. Correspondingly, the pollen grains are all found to be globular. Of the eight species, except for P. pectinatus and P. pusillus, the remaining six obviously expose their stigmas out of the perianth. Another species , Najas marina (Najadaceae), has filiform stigmas and ellipsoidal pollen grains which can germinate in water before being transferred onto stigmas in natural conditions. Pollination takes place in this species strictly under water. The characters of pollen and stigmas could be divided into two types, and the pollination system is of two kinds of mechanisms of stigmas capturing pollen in the Najadales. The species with globular pollen grains have wide, large stigmas while those producing filiform or precocious pollen grains, which are likely to be captured by stigmas during the pollen dispersal by water currents, normally have filiform stigmas. It is inferred that various water stresses might have resulted in the diversification of pollinationsystem in the Najadales.
  • WANG Yin-Zheng, GU Zhi-Jian
    J Syst Evol. 1999, 37(2): 137-142.
    Reported in the present paper are chromosome numbers and karyotypes of three genera of the Gesneriaceae, i.e. Ancylostemon Craib. , Briggsiopsis (Franch.) K. Y. Pan and Lysionotus D. Don. The former two genera are endemic to China. The karyotype of Ancylostemon aureus (Franch.) Burtt is formulated as 2n = 34 = 20m(1sat) + 14sm, with the same chromosome number as its allied species A. convexus Craib. This species is characterized by the interphase nucleus of complex chromocenter type and the proximal type of chromosomes in the mitotic prophase. The chromosome number of the monospecific genus Briggsiopsis is 2n = 34, the same as the lowest chromosome number reported in Briggsia. The karyotype of Briggsiopsis, which is formulated as 2n = 25m + 6sm + 3st, also seems to be primitive among the species of the two genera. Briggsiopsis is characterized by the interphase nucleus of simple-complex chromocenter type and the interstitial-gradient type of chromosomes in the mitotic prophase. The chromosome number of Lysionotus carnosus Hemsl. is the lowest reported in this genus. Its karyotype is formulated as 2n= 30 = 21m + 5sm + 3st + lt. Lysionotus serratus var. pterocaulis, with the karyotype being formulated as 2n= 32 = 2lm + 10sm + lt, has the same chromosome number as var. serratus. These two species show a remarkable differentiation of karyotypes and are characterized by the interphase nuclei of simple-complex chromocenter type and the gradient type of chromosomes in the mitotic prophase. _ .
  • CHEN Shu-Kun, FENG Yu-Xing
    J Syst Evol. 1999, 37(2): 143-144.
    Eight species, Ilex ficifolia C. J. Tseng ex S. K. Chen et Y. X. Feng, I. huiana C. J. Tseng ex S. K. Chen et Y. X. Feng, I. hirsuta C. J. Tseng ex S. K. Chen et Y. X. Feng, I. zhejiangensis C. J. Tseng ex S. K. Chen et Y. X. Feng, I. wugongshanensis C. J. Tseng ex S. K. Chen et Y. X. Feng, I. robustinervosa C. J. Tseng ex S. K. Chen et Y. X. Feng, I. syzygiophylla C. J. Tseng ex S. K. Chen et Y. X. Feng and I. verisimilis Chun ex C. J. Tseng ex S. K. Chen et Y. X. Feng, are valid- ly published here by the designation of holotypes.
  • SHI Lei, ZHANG Xian-Chun
    J Syst Evol. 1999, 37(2): 145-152.
    Leptochilus is a small microsoroid genus in Polypodiaceae. The circumscription of this genus was quite ill-delimited and its species were once referred to Paraleptochilus, Dendroglossa, Myuropteris and Nistarika. Most recently, species of the genus Colysis were incorporated in it, resulting in more confusion in its taxonomy. During the preparation of an account for Flora of China, we made an analysis of the major morphological characters, geographical distribution, as well as the spore morphology of this genus. We found that Leptochilus and Colysis are obviously different in the pattern of their sori and thus the latter should be treated as an independent genus, but the four genera, i.e. Paraleptochilus, Dendroglossa, Myuropteris and Nistarika, cannot be accepted and are here reduced to syn-onyms of Leptochillus.
  • LI Pei-Chun
    J Syst Evol. 1999, 37(2): 153-155.
  • LI Pei-Chun
    J Syst Evol. 1999, 37(2): 156-176.
  • DAI Lun-Kai
    J Syst Evol. 1999, 37(2): 177-188.
  • LIANG Song-Yun
    J Syst Evol. 1999, 37(2): 189-192.
  • KU Tsue-Chih
    J Syst Evol. 1999, 37(2): 193-193.
  • XU Yao-Liang, CHEN Yi-Ling
    J Syst Evol. 1999, 37(2): 194-200.
  • LIU Ke-Ming
    J Syst Evol. 1999, 37(2): 201-203.
  • GENG Bao-Yin
    J Syst Evol. 1999, 37(2): 204-208.
    Sparganium fushunense Geng is described as new from the Jijuntun Formation (Middle to Late Eocene) of Fushun region in Liaoning Province, China. The preserved fertile branches bear fruiting heads. A morphological comparison of the fruit heads is made between the specimens studied here with those of the living species and other fossil species. The results show that the new species is distinguishable mainly by the shape of the tepals and the size of the fruits. Sparganium fushunense Geng, sp. nov. Head-bearing axis at least 14.5 cm long, about 1.0 mm wide, with longitudinal striae more or less parallel on its surface. Axes with 4~6 lateral fruit heads, interval between heads 0.5~2.0 cm. Fruiting head sessile, globose, about 5 mm in diameter, made up of tightly packed tepals and fruits radiating from a small receptacle. Tepals narrowly obovate, apically rounded, about 1.8 mm long, 0.2~0.7 mm wide. Fruits elliptic, sessile, with smooth surface, 1.16~1.25 mm long, at apex with a beak 1.5~2.0 mm long. Seed elliptic, long axis 0.48~0.75 mm long, short axis 0.23~0.45 mm long. Seed coat cells irregularly polygonal , 4.1~19 vn in diameter, with smaller ones in both the apical and basalparts,the larger ones in the middle part and a papillate process at the apex.