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18 July 1994, Volume 32 Issue 4
    Research Articles
  • Wei Ping-he, Chen Wei-pei, Chen Rui-yang
    J Syst Evol. 1994, 32(4): 293-300.
    The present paper reports the karyotypes of six species in the family Nymphaeaceae (sensu lato), and discusses its taxonomic position. Results of the karyotype analysis are as follows: (1) Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. was found to have the karyotype 2n = 16 = 9sm +4m + 3st, which belongs to 2B type. There was one heterozygous pair and one pair of large subterminal chromosomes in the complement. (2) Victoria cruziana Orbign. was shown to have the karyotype 2n= 24 = 8sm+8m+ 8T, which belongs to 2A type. The chromosomes were the largest in the Nymphaeaceae. (3) Nymphaea stellata Willd. wag of 2n =28. No. 1 chromosome possessed two satellites. The chromosomes were the smallest in the Nymphaeaceae. (4) Nuphar pumilum (Timm.) DC. had the karyotype 2n=34=18m 4+16sm, which belongs to 2A type. One satellite was on No. 8 chromosome and the other was easily detached (5) Euryale fero Salisb. ex Konig et Sims. was of 2n=58. The 58 chromosomes were in 29 pairs. Its chromosomes were small. No. 1 chromosome possessed two satellites. (6) Brasenia schreberi J. F. Gmel. was shown to have 2n=72. The 72 chromosomes were in 36 pairs, which could be classified into 4 pairs of large chromosomes. 12 pairs of medium-sized ones and 20 pairs of small ones. Three satellites could be seen in some karyotypes. Except N. nucifera, the karyotypes of all the species are first reported. The great differences in the karyotype and morphological characteristics between Nelumbo and the other members of the Nymphaeaceae suggest that the Nymphaeaceae (sensu lato) be divided into two separate orders, namely Nelumbonales and Nymphaeales. Nelumbonales contains a single family Nelumbonaceae and a monotypic genus Nelumbo, while the other plants belonging to the Nymphaeaceae which constitute the order Nymphaeales. Nymphaeales may also be divided into two separate families, Cabombaceae and Nymphaeaceae. Cabombaceae containing Brasenia and other genera is the most primitive in the Nymphaeales. Nymphaea,Euryale, Victoria and Nuphar are included in the Nymphaeaceae.

  • Yu Hong, Huang Rui-fu
    J Syst Evol. 1994, 32(4): 301-307.
    Nomocharis forrestii Balf. f. from Zhongdian, Yunnan, was cytologically investigated in this wrok. There were two cytotypes in N. forrestii populations. The reference karyotype of A cytotype was 2n=24=2m (2SAT) +2sm+8st (4SAT) +12t (2SAT). In this cytotype, there was no satellite in the long arms of the 3rd pair, which was homozygous. The reference karyotype of B cytotype was 2n=24 = 2m (2SAT) + 2sm+8st (2SAT) +12t (3SAT). In B cytotype, there was an obvious satellite in the long arm of one chromosome in the 3rd pair, but no satellite in the long arm of the other. This was heterozygous. The ratio between the cytotypes was approximately lA: 2B in the population. The karyotype in N. forrestii was similar to that in the genus Lilium, 2n=24, particularly the chromosomal morphology of m-chromosomes or sm-chromosomes. However, the secondary constrictions of the m-chromosomes was more obvious and greater in N. forrestii. Numerous aberrant karyotypes in N. forrestii were found in the somatic cells. The structural aberrations include breakage, inversion (incl. pericentric inversion), translocation (incl. Robertsonian translocation), deletion, somatic orossing over between the homologous chromosomes, etc. In the aberrant karyotype (1), an obvious deletion took place in one chromosome or unequal translocation took place in one chromosome of the 1st pair, and a fragment was added to the long arm of one chromosome as a result of translocation in the 7th pair. A dicentric chromosome was found between two chromosomes from 8th and the 12th pair, which resulted in 2n=23. In aberrant karyotype (2), translocation or deletion took place in the 5th, 6th, 7th and 10th pair. There were 4 B-chromosomes in the aberrant cell. In the aberrant karyotype (3), the long arm of one chromosome was found to have a deletion in the 6th pair. A dicentric chromosome was generated between two chromosomes from the 9th and the 10th pair, which results in 2n=23. There was one B-chromosome in the aberrant cell. In the aberrant karyotype (4), a pericentric inversion took place in the 1st pair, and an unequal translocation occured between the 1st and the 6th pair, which changed the first pair from m-chromosomes into st-chromosomes. The long arm of one chromosome carried a remarkable deletion in the 8th pair. In the aberrant karyotype (5), a Robertsonian translocation took place between two chromosomes from the 6th and 7th pair, and a fragment was added to the long arm of one chromosome as a result of the translocation in the l2th pair. In the aberrant karyotype (6), breakage occured near or at the centromere of one chromosome of the 1st and the 6th pair, which resulted in 2n= 26. Before the breakage, the unequal crossing over had taken place between the homologous chromosomes in the 1st and 6th pair, and an unequal translocation was found between two chromosomes from the 1st and 6th pair. Accoding to statistics of aberrant cells, the chromosomal aberration took place mainly in the 1st, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th chromosomes, with rates of aberration 3337%. It is these chromosomes that often show polymorphism. From above, the karyotype of N. forrestii, is under strong differentation. So the somatic chromosome aberration with a high frequency is one of important factors in the intraspe-cific differentiation in N. forrestii.
  • Liang Guo-lu, Zhou Cai-qiong, Lin Meng-jia, Chen Jia-yu, Liu Jun-su
    J Syst Evol. 1994, 32(4): 308-315.
    Karyotypes of seven species, one variety and 11 forms of Sect. Thea occurring in Guizhou Province, were investigated by the wall degradation hypotonic method. The micrographs of their somatic metaphase are shown in plates 1-2 and the parameters of chromosomes according to Li and Chen (1985) are given in Table 1 and the idiograms in Fig. 1. The karyotype formulae are as follows: Camellia quinquelocularis 22=30=24m+6sm; C. tetracocca 2n=30=22m+8sm; C. taliensis 2n=30=22m+8sm; C. gymnogyna 2n=30=22m +6sm+2st and 2n=30=20m=8sm+2st; C. gymnogynoides 2n=30=22m +6sm+2st and 2n=30=20m+8sm+2st; C. jungkiangensis 2n=30=20m+8sm+2st; C. sinensis 2n =30+20m+8sm+2st, and C. sinensis var. ruoella 2n=30=20m+8sm+2st. All the karyotypes belong to Stebbins “2A”. The following main aspects are discussed. 1. Chromosome numbers: All these species are found to have 2n=30. Based on the previous and present reports, It clearly indicates that evolution of this group has taken place mainly on diploid level, but not on polyploid one. 2. The karyotype variation: Generally, all the karyotypes examined are similar, but according to symmetry of karyotype, they may be grouped into two types. One is characterized by metacentric (m)and submetacentric (sm)chromosomes, involving C. quinquelochlaris, C. tetracocca, C. taliensis, while the other is characterized by a pair of subtelocentric (st) chromosome besides m and sm chromosomes, involving C. gymnogyna, C. gymnogynoides, C. jungkiangensis, C. sinensis and C. sinensis var. ruoella. It is suggested that the mechanism for karyotype variation and speciation in Sect. Thea be pericentric inversion or reciprocal translocation. The first type is more symmetrical than the second one, and is thus relatively primitive. 3. The orginal center of Sect. Thea: Based on the analysis of karyotypes, morphological characters, geographical distribution and biochemical features, the authors consider that the Yunnan-Guizhou plateau including the contiguous area in Yunnan, Guangxi and Guizhou is the original center, from where it radiated, resulting in the present distribution pattern of Sect. Thea.4. Taxonomic treatment of Sect. Thea: The taxonomic treatment of Sect. Thea is complicated and still confused up to now. The number of species is more than 40 according to Zhang’s taxonomic system (1984), but, recently, most of them are reduced by Min (1992). Further work should be based on the concept of morphological discontinuity and in formation from other branches of sciences. Whether two types of karyotype are two biological species remains questionable.
  • Pan Jin-tang
    J Syst Evol. 1994, 32(4): 316-327.
    This paper consists of three parts, i. e. the phylogeny, classification and geographic distribution of the genus Rodgersia. As a result of the character analysis, the evolutionary trends of the characters in Rodgersia are suggested. The tetraploid (2n= 60, x= 15) is evidently derived from the diploid (2n=30) (Table 1). Pollen grains have evolved from small to medium-sized, then to large (Table 2). The reticulate ornamentation of pollen (Plate 1: 7--9, Plate 2: 1--8) is more advanced than obscurely reticulate (Plate 1: 1-6). Sepals have evoved from 7—5 to (6--) 5, then to 5 in number; from pinnate and arcuate together to arcuate, and from open to intermediate type, then to closed in vein type (Fig. 1:1-5); from glabrous to both glabrous and sparsely covered with glandular hairs, then to covered with glandular hairs in ventral surface. The indumentum of pedicels and inflorescence axes has evolved from chaffy and subsessile-glandular mixed to long and glandular (Fig. 1: 6-7). Leaves have evolved from simple to digitate, then to subpinnate, and finally to pinnate. Based on the character evolution, a schema showing wagner’s phylogenetic tree of Rodgersia is given (Fig. 2), in which R. podophylla may be considered as the most primitive one, as some archaic characters are preserved (e. g. diploid with 2n-30, small pollen grains, obscurely reticulate ornamentation of pollen, sepals 7-5 with open type of veins. etc. ): R. nepalensis having large pollen grains, distinctily reticulate ornamentation of pollen, sepals 5 with closed type of veins, pedicels and inflorescence axes coverd with mixed long hairs and glandular hairs, may be regarded as the most advanced one; while R. aesculifolia, R. sambucifolia and R. pinnata which are tetraploid with 2n = 60 and are intermediate. A revised classification of Rodgersia is presented, in which 5 species and 3 varleties are recognized. This genus is divided into two sections: Sect. Rodgersia including only R. podophylla and Sect. Sambucifolia J. T. Pan consisting of R. aesculifolia, R. sambucifolia, R. pinnata and R. nepalensis. The genus Rodgersia is distributed in East Asia (Fig. 3). Four distribution patterns (Fie. 4) are recognized as follows; 1. Japan-Korea distribution The main part of this area is in Japan and Korea, but it extends westwards to China (a very little part of Jilin and Liaoning). This area has only one species, i. e. R. podophylla. As mentioned before, this species is the most primitive one in Rodgersia, and thus the author suggests that the centre of origin of Rodgersia be in this area. Japan is contiguous to the Asian continent not isolated before the late Tertiary. Therefore the origin of the genus must be at least before the late Tertiary (the late Cretaceous to the early Tertiary). 2. Qinling-Daba Mountains distribution The main part of this area is in the Qinling-Daba Mountains, but it extends southwestward to Wu’s Hengduan Mountains region. Only one species, R. aesculifolia, is found in this area. 3. Hengduan Mountains distribution This area covers southwestern Sichuan and northern Yunnan. Most species in Rodgersia, i. e. R. aesculifolia, R. sambucifolia and R. pinnata are concentrated in this area. They constitute 3/5 of the total species number (including varieties) in Rodgersia. They are more advanced than R. podophylla and all endemic to China. This area is therefore both the distribution and differentiation centers. 4. E. Himalayas distribution The main part of this area is Wu’s East Himalayan Region, but it extends westwards to Sikkim and Nepal. This area has two species, i. e. R. nepalensis and R. aesculifolia var. henricii.They constitute 2/5 of the total species number, and R. nepalensis is endemic to this area. The dispersal route of Rodgersia may well be the narrow area from Japan-Korea southwestwards to East Himalayas (Fig. 4) through Qinling-Daba Mountains and Hengduan Mountains. In addition, the pollen morphology of Rodgersia was examined under SEM and isshown in Plates 1-2.
  • Lang Kai-yong
    J Syst Evol. 1994, 32(4): 328-339.
    The orchids represent one of the largest families of flowering plants in the world, Their flower structure is evolutionarily highly specialized and systematically, they are the most advanced groups in plant kingdom of the world. The babitat of orchids is more special than other families in flowering plants. Their distribution has higher regularity and possesses important significance for studying floristic character and region alization. The present paper proposes a concrete boundary between the Sino-Himalayan Subregion and the Sino-Japanese Subregion in Sichuan Province, based on the distribution patterns of some orchid genera typical of the two subregions. I. Risleya, Diplomeris, Diphylax and Platanthera subgen. Stigmatosa all belong to the typical groups of distribution in the Sino-Himalayan Subregion. Their distribution patterns are as follows: 1. Risleya (only one species) is distributed in Sikkim, N. Burma and S. W. China and grows at (1041--) 2900--4200 m alt. In China its distribution ranges from Xizang (Tibet) (Mainling and Bomi), Yunnan (Weixi) to Sichuan (Gongga Mountain and Emei Mountain (alt. 1041 m)). The Emei Mountain is its eastern limit (Fig. 1). 2. Diplomeris (only two species) is distributed in M. Nepal to Bhutan (alt. 500-1000 m), N. E. India, Burma, the northest Vietnam (Sa-Pa alt. 1000 m) and China and grows at (500---) 1500--2600 m alt. In China its distribution ranges from Xizang (Tibet) (Medog alt. 1000 m), Yunnan (Gongshan), Sichuan (Kangding, Hejiang and Xuyong), Guizhou (Xingyi) to Guangxi (Mashan). Hejiang in Sichuan is its eastern limit (Fig. 1) 3. Diphylax (only three species) is found in M. Nepal, Sikkim, N. Burma and S. W. China at (1750-) 2500--4200 m alt. In China its distribution ranges from Xizang (Yadong, Qonggyai, Medog and ZayÜ), Yunnan (Gongshan, Deqen and Yiliang alt. 1750 m), Sichuan (Emei Mountain alt. 1900 m) to Guizhou (Fanjing Mountain alt. 1800 m). The Emei Mountain is its eastern limit (Fig. 2). 4. Platanthera subgen. Stigmatosa (including 12 species) is found from Kashmir Region, Pakistan (Hazara), through Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan, N. India (Kumaon, Darjeeling, Simla), N. Burma to S. W. China at (1500-) 2300-4500 m alt. In China its distribution ranges from Xizang (Gyirong, Zhangmo, Rongxar, Dinggye, Yadong, Cora, Mainling, Bomi, Medog (alt. 1500 m), ZayÜ) through Yunnan (Gongshan, Deqen, Weixi, Fugong, Bijiang, Lijiang, Dali, Heqing, Luquan, Kunming and Jingdong), Sichuan (Muli, Miyi, Huili, Huidong, Puge, Xichang, Xide, Maianning, Yuexi, Meigu, Erlang Mountain, Ebian, Emei Mountain, Honya and Guan Xian) to Guizhou (Zhenfeng). The Emei Mountain is its eastern limit (Fig. 3-4). According to the structure of gynostemum and form of labellum of the subgenus. Stigmatosa, their species belong to Platanthera unquestionably, although they are different from the other members of Platanthera due to their inconvex stigma (not concave) and sepals with mammillary-ciliate. The stigma of this group exhibits a series of evolutionary trends: from stigma single, convexly elliptic and located near the rear of spur mouth (in P. stenantha) ; to stigma single, shape of a saddle, and located near the front of spur mouth (in P. bakeriana); and to stigma double, separately located at front of spur mouth (in other ten species). The Platanthera subgen. Stigmatosa is confined to the area from the south fringe of Xizang Plateau (from Kashmir Region to N. E. India) through N. Burma to the Hengduan Mountain Region in China. It seems that the subgenus. Stigmatosa has been affected by upheaval of this area, which caused a series of variation and differentiation uninterruptedly, giving rise to this group due to the long-term selection. The vertical distribution of Risleya, Diplomeris, Diphylax and Platanthera subgen. Stigmatiosa is higher in general, but little lower in some marginal regions of their distribution. II. Neofinetia, Vexillabium and Sedirea all belong to typical groups of distribution in the Sino-Japanese Subregion. Their distribution patterns are as follows: 1. Neofinetia (only one species) is distributed in Japan: Honshu (west of Kanto), Shikoku, Kyushu (Tanega-shima, Yaku-shima), Ryukyu-qunto (Amamio-shima, Oki-Nawa-jima) and Daito-shoto; S. Korea (Cheju-do) and China and grows at 400--1300 (--1520) m alt. In China its distribution ranges from Fujian (Chongan), Zhejiang (Putuo, Shengsi and Songyang), Jiangxi Lushan Mountain, Yushan and Yichun, Hubei (Lichuan and Hefeng) to Sichuan (Wan Xian, Pingchang, Tongjiang, Guangyuan, Qingchuan (alt. 1520 m), Beichuan, Emei Mountain) and Gansu (Wen Xian). The Emei Mountain is its western limit (Fig. 5). 2. Vexillabium (only four species) is distributed in Japan: Honshu (Izu-hanto, Mieken), Shikoku (Yaku-shima); S. Korea (Cheju-do) ; N. Philippines (Batan Is. ) and China at 450-1300 (-1600) m alt. In China its distribution ranges from Taiwan (Taidong, Lan Yu), through Zhejiang (Lin’an, Tianmu Mountain and Suichuan), Hunan (Xinning), Shaanxi (Yang Xian) to Sichuan (Nan-chuan, Jinfo Mountain and Beichuan (alt. 1600 m)). The Minjiang River is its western limit (Fig. 6). 3. Sedirea (only two species) is distributed in Japan: Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu (Tanega-shima, Yaku-shima and Nakano-shima) and Ryukyu-qunto (Amamio-shima and Okinawa-jima); S. Korea (Cheju-do) and China at 300--1300 (--1400) m alt. In China its distribution ranges from Fujian (Chong´an, Wuyi Mountain), Zhejiang (Wencheng, Taintai Mountain, Longquan, Lin'an, Xinchang and Kaihua), Hunan (Sangzhi, Shuangpai, Shaoyang and Tongdao), Hubei (Xianfeng), Sichuan (Chengkou and Leibo (alt. 1400 m)), Guizhou (Jiangkou and Songtao) and Yunnan (Yingjiang alt. 1350 m). The Leibo is its western limit (Fig. 7). The vertical distribution of Neofinetia, Vexillabium and Sedirea is lower in general, but little higher in western marginal regions of their distribution. Above distribution patterns can be summarized as follows: (1)Risleya, Diplomeris,Diphylax and Platanthera subgen. Stigmatosa belong to typical groups of the Sino-Himalayan Subregion distribution, among them Risleya, Diphylax and Platanthera subgen. Stigmatosa all have Mt. Emei as their eastern limit in Sichuan, while Diplomeris has somewhat over the Mountain as its eastern limit of distribution in Sichuan; (2) Neofinetia, Vexillabium and Sedirea belong to typical genera of the Sino-Japanese Subregion distribution, among them Vexillabium has Beichuan of eastern Minjian River, Neofinetia has Mt. Emei and Sedirea has Leibo as their western limit in Sichuan. Based on the distribution patterns of above six genera and one subgenera, the boundary between the Sino-Himalayan Subregion and the Sino-Japanese Subregion of the flora in Sichuan is exactly in between the Mt. Emei and the Minjiang River. Therefore, we may say that the boundary is identical to the one between the Kham-Dian Old Land (Palaeo-Hengduan Mountains) and the Yangtze Plate in the Early Tertiary. The isolated characteristics of the distribution patterns of seven groups in orchids is related to topography, altitude, climate and the geological history. The concrete boundary between the Sino-Himalayan Subregion and the Sino-Japanese Subregion of the flora in Sichuan may be made from Nanping (Jiuzaigou), Songpan (Huang-longshi), Maowen, Wenchuan, Guan Xian (Mt. Guangguang), Baoxing, Mt. Erlang, Mt. Emei, Shimian, Mianning, Xichang, Dechang, Miyi up to Panzhihua city. The above study on the distribution patterns of the seven groups in orchids has definite significance for the definition on the boundary between Sino-Himalayan Subregion and the Sino-Japanese Subregion in Sichuan.

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  • Zhu Jia-nan, Zhang Xiu-sheng, Ma Jie
    J Syst Evol. 1994, 32(4): 340-344.
    This paper describes a new microstrobilus of palaeozoic Cycadaceae collected from the upper part of Lower Shihezi Formation, Dongshan Mine, Taiyuan, Shanxi, China and named it as Cycadostrobilus paleozoicus Zhu, gen. et sp. nov. This new cycad is the oldest microstrobilus to our knowlege of cycads. In the same locality and layer, there are Primocycas chinensis Zhu et Du, Sphenophyllum emarginatum Brongn. , S. costae Sterz. , S. verticallatum (Schloth.) Brongn. , S. oblongifolium (Germ. et Kaulf. ) Ung. , Tingia carbonica (Schenk.) Halle, T. hamaguchii Kon’no, Macrostachys huttoniformis Halle, Sphenopteris norinii Halle, S. firmata Sze, S. gothanii Halle, Sphenopteridium pseudogermanicum (Halle) Gu et Zhi, Pecopteris feminaeformis (Schloth.) Sterz. , P. wongii Halle, P. tuberculata Halle, P. unita Brongn. , P. taiyuanensis Halle, Emplectopteris triangularis Halle, Taeniopteris norinii Halle, T. spp. , Cordaites principalis (Germ.) Gein. , Cornucarpus patulus Halle, Radicites spp. and a few taxa unknown to palaeobotanical data. The authors consider that Cycadostrobilus paleozoicus is the same species as Primocycas chinensis, and its veg.etative leaves are similar to those of the genus Taeniopteris, e.g.T. norinii Halle.
  • Geng Bao-yin, Zhu Wei-qing
    J Syst Evol. 1994, 32(4): 345-348.
    Drepanophycus spinaeformis Goeppert is a plant of world-wide distribution in the Lower Devonian. Although this species has been reported from numerous localities, it is far from being understood well, because the fertile material is rare. Observation on specimens from the Danlin Formation of Guizhou showed that the sporangia were borne on short stalks attached laterally to the axes near the leaf axil, nearly sphaeroid, and smaller than Rayner’ kidney sporangia. Howerer, other character, e. g. banded nutritive axis bearing spiral drepanoid leaves, perforated tracheid wall, are the same as those described by Rayner. We agree with Rayner in raising Drepanophycales to the status of class, Drepanophycopsida, parallel with Zosterophyllopsida and Lycopsida. The systematic position of Drepanophycopsida is in between Zosterophyllopsida and Lycopsida. The class includes one order, one family and three genera (Drepanophycus, Baragwanathia and Asteroxylon).The fertile parts of the plant are reported for the first time in China.
  • Hong De-yuan, Pan Kai-yu, Li Xue-yu
    J Syst Evol. 1994, 32(4): 349-355.
    The present paper deals with the genus Paeonia in Xinjiang, whose taxonomy has been confused. Based on the field observation, population sampling and the examination of herbarium specimens, a taxonomical revision is made in this paper. Two species are recognized, i. e. Paeonia anomala L. and P. sinjiangensis K. Y. Pan. P. altaica K. M. Dai et T. H. Ying is reduced to P. sinjiangensis and P. hybrida (= P. anomala var. intermedia) is reduced to P. anomala. The diagnostic characters of the two species are described and illustrated, and a map of their distribution in Xinjiang is presented. A key to these two species is provided here. 1. Roots straight, not thickened; sepals all caudate, less frequently one or very rarely two non-caudate ................................................ 1. P. sinjiangensis K. Y. Pan. 2. Roots fusiform or tuberous; inner three sepals non-caudate, less frequently one of them caudate .............................................................. 2. P. anomala L. key words Xinjiang; Paeonia; P. anomala; P. sinjiangensis; revision
  • Xu Jie-mei, Xue Pei-feng, Zhu Shi-mei, Jing Wang-chun
    J Syst Evol. 1994, 32(4): 356-358.
    The new species of Allium L. , A. maowenense J. M. Xu, from Sichuan Province is described in this paper. It is similar to A. eusperma Airy-Shaw, but differs from the latter by white flowers and filaments about 2 times longer than tepals. The present paper also reports the karyotype of the new species. The karyotypic formula was K (2n) = 2x = 16 = 14m +2st (2SAT) with one pair of intercalary satellites, which sometimes were not found clear-ly. The karyotypic asymmetry belongs to Stebbins’ 2A type.
  • Xu Zhao-ran
    J Syst Evol. 1994, 32(4): 359-361.
  • Liu Shou-yang, Wei Song-ji
    J Syst Evol. 1994, 32(4): 362-364.
    One new species of the genus Spiradiclis (Rubiaceae), S. longibracteata S. Y. Liu et S. J. Wei from Guangxi Autonomous Region is described in this paper.
  • Shih Chu
    J Syst Evol. 1994, 32(4): 365-368.
    In 1983, in Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae 76 (1) Ajania potaninii (Krasch.) Poljak. was treated broadly by the present author. At that time, Chrysanthemum potaninii (Krasch.) Hand.-Mazz. var. amphiseriaceum Hand.-Mazz. , Chrysanthemum truncatum Hand. -Mazz. and Ajania hypoleuca Ling in shed were treated as synonyms of Ajania potaninii (Krasch.) Poljak. Evidently, the treatment of the three taxa was not suitable. It seems neccessary to make further revision in the present paper. Abovementioned three names treated as synonyms should be regarded as three different species of Ajania. However, these three species are closely related to Ajania potaninii (Krasch.) Poljak. They are keying as follows: 1. Leaves undivided. 2. Leaves discolour, green, glabrous above, cinereous-white, densely white-tomentose beneath ............................................. 1. Ajania potaninii (Krasch.) Poljak. 2. Leaves concolour on both sides, cinereous-white, densely white-tomentose ......... ................................................ 2. Ajania amphiseriacea (Hand. -Mazz. ) Shih 1. Leaves pinnatipartite or pinnatisect. 3. Leaves pinnatipartite, discolour, green, glabrous above, cinereous-white, densely white-tomentose beneath ....................................... 3. Ajania hypoleuca Ling 3. Leaves pinnatisect, concolour on both sides, cinereous-white, densely white-tomen- rosa ............................................. 4. Ajania truncata (Hand.-Mazz. ) Ling
  • Tao De-ding
    J Syst Evol. 1994, 32(4): 369-369.
    A revision is made of the species Walsura xizangensis C. Y. Wu et H. Li found in Xizang. A new combination, Glycosmis xizangensis (C. Y. Wu et H. Li)D. D. Tao, is made.
  • Kung Hsian-shiu, Zhang Li-bing
    J Syst Evol. 1994, 32(4): 370-371.
    Polystichum adungense ching et Fraser-Jenkins is described as new from N. Burma and S. W. China
  • Luan Ri-xiao
    J Syst Evol. 1994, 32(4): 372-374.
    The paper reports Rotiramulus R. X. Luan, a new genus of Ectocarpaceae from Liaoning Province, China. Heterotrichous filament is its outstanding morphological characteristic.
  • Wang Shu-bo
    J Syst Evol. 1994, 32(4): 375-377.
    The present paper deals with two new species, namely, Giffordia zhejiangensis and Giffordia hainanensis from Zhejiang and Hainan of China.
  • Yang Ji-gao
    J Syst Evol. 1994, 32(4): 378-379.
    In this paper, a new species, a new variety and a new record for china of Navicula from Anhui Province are reported. They are Navicula anhuinsis sp. nov. and N. muticaKütz. var. sinica var. nov. and N. mutica var. stigma Patrick.
  • Xu Ke-xue
    J Syst Evol. 1994, 32(4): 380-388.
    Compatibility is a fundamental concept for cladistics. In this paper a mathematical definition of compatibility, called Kexue compatibility, is proposed, and then a new compatibility analysis method for cladistics based on the Kexue compatibility is developed.