Table of Contents

10 August 1992, Volume 30 Issue 4
    Research Articles
  • Liu Shang-Wu, Ho Ting-Nung
    J Syst Evol. 1992, 30(4): 289-319.
    The present paper deals with the infrageneric classification, phylogeny and geographic distribution of the genus Lomatogonium. A cladistic analysis was undertaken to establish the taxa and to evaluate the relationships between the taxa. The PAUP computer program was used in this analysis. The most parsimonious tree (Cladogram) of the rotate-corolla group of subtribe Gentianinae shows that Lomatogonium is closely related to Lomatogoniopsis and Swertia, but distantly to Veratrilla. Among them, Swertia is more primitive than Lomatogonium and hence Sect. Swertia was selected as the outgroup to polarize the character states of ingroup (Lomatogonium). A data matrix of 29 charaters of Lomatogonium was made for constructing the cladogram. Two most parsimonious trees were formed one of which, with the lowest f value, was at last selected as a shortest tree. In this tree 18 species fall into three groups, i.e. Sect. Sarcorhizoma, Sect. Lomatogonium and Sect. Pleurogynella. The former comes at a lower level with more plesiomorphies while the latter at a higher level with more apomorphies. Lomatogonium is distributed in the northern temperate zone. However, 16 species are centred in Asia and two extend to Europe, or further to the Arctic region, but none has been found from Africa, Australia and South erica. The analysis of distribution pattern of species shows that the Qinling-Hengduan Mountain region is both the frequence and diversity centers of Lomatogonium. From the cladogram of Lomatogonium (Fig. 5 ), L. perenne appears to occupy the most plesiomorphic node. This is an indication that it is the extant species closest to the ancestral form and it also implies that the ancestral species may reside in the habitat of this species (the Qinlin-Hengduan Mountain region). On the other hand, a umber of species of Swertia Sect. Swertia also occur in this region today, which indicates that the Qinlin-Hengduan Mountain region may well be the original center of Lomatogonium. From the distribution pattern of L. rotatum, it can be concluded that the time of the origin dates back at least before the Pliocene. After emergence, this genus had first developed and dispersed in the original center and adjacent region, then diverged into two lineages. One gave rise to the widespread species (northern temperate distribution species L. carinthiacum and L. rotatum), and the other formed the Himalayan species.A taxonomic revision of the whole genus Lomatogonium is presented. In this paper, one new section (Sect. Sarcorhizoma), one new species (L. zhongdianense S. W. Liu et T. N. Ho) and one new variety (L. forrestii var. densiflorum S. W. Liu et T. N. Ho) are described. The key to the species is given. Type studies are made for all the taxa.
  • Shi Ding-Ji, Wu Pan-Cheng, Qiu Yuan-Yuan, Wang Mei-Zhi
    J Syst Evol. 1992, 30(4): 320-330.
    Bryophytes are the transitional forms from water habitants to terrestrials, however, there have been only a few works on their photosynthesis. It was the first time to study on photosynthetic fluorescence spectra and fluorescence kinetics of primitive and advanced species comparatively. Both the primitive and advanced ones had the same fluorescence spectra at room temperature, which contained two maximum emissions: F686-690 from the Photosystem II and F736-740 from the Photosystem I. And then, there were three maximum emissions in the fluorescence spectra at 77K :F687-689 and F697-699 from Photosystem II, and F723-734 from Photosystem I. The first two maximum emissions were the same for both the primitive and advanced species. According to the third maximum emission the bryophytes under study fell into two categories: The first one possessing the maximum emission around 725 nm, including Ditrichum flexicaule , Didymodon icmadophyllum , Didymodon rigidicaulis, Aloina obliquifolia, Plagiomnium confertidens and Marchantia polymorpha, which were primitive mosses and advanced liverwort. The second one possessing the maximum emission around 732nm, including Thuidium delicatulum , Pylaisia brotheri , Myuroclada maximowiczii , Taxiphyllum taxirameum, Gollania neckerella, Eurohypnum leptothallum, which were advanced mosses, and the primitive one Plagiomnium rostratum. The characteristics of fluorescence spectra implied that the Photosystem II was conservative and Photosystem I was changeable during bryophyte evolution. The primitive mosses possess mainly the PSI core complex (CPI) and then the advanced species contain both CPI and LHC-I. In analysis of photosynthetic fluorescence kinetics, Fv/(Fc+Fv) is a measure of the activity of the Photosystem II; Fv/Fm is dependent on efficiency of primary photoconversion in the Photosystem II; Fm/(Fo+Fv) is related to photosynthetic carbon assimilation; and Fd/Fs is a measure of the potential photosynthetic quantum conversion. The fluorescence kinetics of the bryophyte photosynthesis showed that the Photosystem II activity, the efficieiency of primary photoconversion in Photosystem II, the photosynthetic carbon assimilation and the efficiency of the potential photosynthetic quantum conversion in primitive species, such as Ditrichum flexicaule, Didymodon icmadophyllus, D. rigidicaulis, Plagiomnium rostratum and the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha, were lower than those in the advanced species, Myuroclada maximowiczii, Pylaisia brotheri , Gollania neckerella Taxiphyllum taxirameum , Thuidium delicatulum. However, the primitive Plagiomnium confertidens was of the high activities and efficiencies and the advanced Eurohypnum leptothallum was of low ones. It seemed that P. confertidens and E. leptothallum were an intermediatefrom the primitive to the advanced.
  • Li Lin-Chu
    J Syst Evol. 1992, 30(4): 331-341.
    The present paper deals for the first time with an analysis of the karyotypes of Athrotaxis cupressoides Don and A. selaginoides Don endemic to Tasmania (Australia). Their morphology of somatic chromosomes in seed root-tip cells, chromosome measurements, and diagrams are shown in Plate 1, Table 1 and Fig. 1 respectively, The karyotypic formulas of the two species are 2n = 22 = 22m (2SAT) and 2n = 22 = 20m(2SAT ) + 2sm according to of terminology Lexvan et al (1964). They all belong to IB type of Stebbins’(1971)karyotypic asymmetry which was reported for the first time in the higher plants by Li(1987b). Their chromosome complements are 22 = 2L + 10M2+ 8M1+ 2S and 22 =2L+ 10M2+ 6M1+ 4S respectively according to the standard defined by Kuo et al. (1972) based on relative length. The karyotype of A. selaginoides is more advanced than that of A. cupressoides. In the light of karyotypic data, the sequence of the taxo-diaceous genera (excl. Sciadopitys) from primitive to advanced may be in the following order: Cryptomeria, Glyptostrobus, Taxodium, Metasequoia, Sequoiadendron, Sequoia, Athrotaxis, Cunninghamia and Taiwania. The genus Athrotaxis is closely related to Sequoia (Sequoiadendron) and Cunninghamia The peculiarity of the karyotype of Athrotaxis deserves the establishment of a new status Arthrotaxoideae (Wettstein) L. C. Li This suggestion is also supported by the data from morphology, embryology, palynology and geography. The family Taxodiaceae is divided into six subfamilies and nine genera, as shown in the following table:
    ————————————————————————————————————————————————— 1. Cryptomerioideae Hida Cryptomeria D. Don 4. Arthrotaxoideae (Wettstein) L. C. Li 2. Taxodioideae Pilger Glyptostrobus Endl. Taxodim Richard Athrotaxis D. Don 3. Sequoideae Saxton metasequoia Miki ex Hu et 5. Cunninghamioideae Hida Cunninghamia Cheng Sequoiadebron Buch. Sequoia Endl. R.Brown 6. Taiwanioideae (Hayata)L. C. Li Taiwanta Hayata
    ————————————————————————————————————————————————— The systematic positions of Athrotaxis in the systems of other authors are dis-cussed too.
  • Sun Yi-Kai, Zhao Yu-Tang, Dong Yu-Chen, Zhou Rong-Hua, Xu Shu-Jun
    J Syst Evol. 1992, 30(4): 342-345.
    In this paper the karyotypes of eleven species of Triticeae from Northeast China are reported. The karyotype formulae are as follows: Agropyron cristatum, 2n=4x=28=20m+8sm; Elytrigia repens, 2n=6x=42=34m(2SAT) + 8sm; Hordeum brevisubulatum, 2n = 4x = 28 = 20m + 8sm( 4SAT ); Roegneria nakaii, 2n = 4x = 28 = 20m + 8sm( 4SAT ); R. turczaninovii var. macrathera, 2n = 4x = 28 = 20m(2SAT ) + 8sm(2SAT ); Elymus sibiricus, 2n = 4x = 28 = 20m + 8sm ( 4SAT); E. dahuricus, 2n=6x=42=32m+10sm( 6SAT); E. excelsus, 2n=6x=42=32m+10sm( 6SAT); Leymus chinensis, 2n=4x=28=20m(4SAT) + 8sm; Roegneria ciliaris, 2n = 4x = 28 = 22m( 2SAT ) + 6sm( 2SAT ); R. kamoji, 2n= 6x = 42= 30m+ 12sm(4SAT). The karyotypes of the first five species are re-ported for the first time.
  • Gao Xin-Fen, Gu Zhi-Jian, Chen Cheih
    J Syst Evol. 1992, 30(4): 346-348.
    This paper reports chromosome numbers of ten species and one variety of the genus Campylotropis from China (Table 1, Plate 1 ). They are C. argentea Schindl., C. bonatiana( pamp: ) Schindl., C. henryi Schindl., C. hirtella (Franch.)Schindl., C. macrocarpa(Bunge )Rehd., C. diversifolia( Hemsl. )Schindl., C. polyantha (Franch.) Schindl., C. polyantha( Franch. )Schindl. var. leiocarpa ( Pamp. ) Pet. -Stib., c. prainii ( Coll. et Hemal. ) Schindl., C. pinetorum (kurz)Schindl. ssp. velutina (Dunn)Schindl., c. trigonoclada(Franch. ) Schindl. The chromosome numbers of these ten species are all 2n= 22 or n= 11, but a few individuals in C. polyantha(Franch. )Schindl. var. leiocarpa(Pamp. )Pet. -Stib., were found aneuploid with 2n=23. The chromosome numbers of c. polyantha and C. macrocarpa have been reported by Maw-shing (1986)andLee(1972), while those of all the other species are first reported.
  • Lian Yong-Shan, Chen Xue-Lin
    J Syst Evol. 1992, 30(4): 349-355.
    Hippophae rhamnoides L. subsp. sinensis Rousi is confined to China. The subspecies, a primitive member of the genus, is one of important plant resources for food and medicinal industry and also a genetic resource for breeding. The subspecies ranges from Southwest to Northeast China, i .e .from the northeast part of Tibet to the sourthwest corner of the Da Hinggan Mountains ,through Loess Plateau. Made in this paper was an analysis of the limits of tolerance, the limiting factors and the fittest value, and of ecological factors regulating the distribution area of the subspecies such as heat, sunshine and rainfall. The analysis is based on comparison of the similarities between the distribution range and the isolines of the various ecological factors, combined with the field work of the subspecies. The result indicates that not only does the bush of Hippophae rhamnoides L. subsp. sinensis Rousi occupy a stable geographical range, but also it shows a zonal distribution pattern, controlled by rainfall and heat. Its geographical range is roughly located in the transitional zone of three vegetation regions in China, i.e. the east moist forest region, the northwest desert and steppe region and the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau alpine vegetation region. Therefore, the bush can be used for delimitating the three vegetation regions. This fact implies that the concept should be revised that the distribution of bushes is not of obvious horizontal-zonal pattern. Also discussed in the present paper are ecological conditions for the artificial Seabuckthron’s garden, the relationship between thegeographical range and the planting system in agriculture as well as the afforestation.
  • Wang Wen-Tsai, Li Zhen-Yu
    J Syst Evol. 1992, 30(4): 356-361.
    In 1926, based on a specimen (Poilane 3846) collected from Vietnam, F. Pellegrin described a new species of the genus Hemiboea. Recently, after dissecting a flower of the holotype we realized that this species was erroneously placed in Hemiboea, differring from the latter in a series of important morphological characters, and in fact represents a new genus (Deinostigma) ofthe tribe Didymocarpeae, which is described in the present paper.
  • Wang Yang-Cai, Sun Bi-Sin
    J Syst Evol. 1992, 30(4): 362-366.
    In the paper two species and one variety of the genus Agrostis L. are described as new from Yunnan Province, China. They are Agrostis lushuiensis,A. kunmingensis and A. myriantha Hook. f. var. yangbiensis.
  • Wang Xiao-Dong, Wang Ching-Jui
    J Syst Evol. 1992, 30(4): 367-370.
    Two new species and one new variety are described from China. They are L.ramulosa, L. gansuensis and L. microcarpa var. heterogenea.
  • Hong De-Yuan
    J Syst Evol. 1992, 30(4): 371-374.
  • Chen Chia-Jui
    J Syst Evol. 1992, 30(4): 375-377.
    Lespedeza fasciculiflora Franch. var. hengduanshanensis C. J. Chen and L. davurica (Laxm.) Schindl. Subsp. huangheensis C. J. Chen are described from the Hengduan Mountains of SW China and from the Yellow Rivervalley respectively.
  • Liu Jian-Guo
    J Syst Evol. 1992, 30(4): 378-380.
    A new species of the genus Ranunculus L., R. hamiensis J . G. Liu, isdescribed from Xinjiang.
  • Li Yao-Ying
    J Syst Evol. 1992, 30(4): 381-384.
    In this paper, two new species and two new records of Gyanophytes from China are reported. They are Hyella rupicola Y. Y. Li; Camntytonema quandongensis Y. Y. Li; Pseudoholopedia convoluta (Breb.) Elenk; Lithnema adriaticum Frceg.