J Syst Evol ›› 2002, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (2): 151-153.

• Research Articles • Previous Articles     Next Articles

An additional note on Chinese Otochilus (Orchidaceae)

CHEN Sing-Chi, LUO Yi-Bo   

  • Published:2002-03-18

Abstract: In Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae (FRPS), vol. 18, there are four species of Otochilus treated. One of them, O. albus Lindl., was based on some botanists’ citations rather than the author’ s examination of specimens available. During a recent trip of the senior author to Europe, many specimens of Otochilus there were carefully examined, particularly those cited by Smith and Seidenfaden: Forrest 9493 (E), 16168 (K, E), 27753 (K. P, E) and F. E. Younghusband s. n. (K). Among them, however, only the last one is true O. albus and the others belong to either O. lancilabius Seidenf. (Forrest 9493 and 27753) or O. porrectus (Forrest 16168). As an addition to Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin., vol. 18, O. albus is enumerated and described based on the Tibetan specimen.

Key words: Otochilus, O. albus