News and Views
1. Call for Papers: Special Issue on “From sea level to world roof: Uplift history and biological evolution of the Himalaya” (2024-01-11)
2. JSE致谢2023年审稿人 (2024-01-11)
3. JSE papers in the Global Top 1% Highly Cited Papers selected by ESI (2023-12-04)
4. The 2023 JSE Outstanding Papers Awards (2023-11-15)
5. JSE 2022 影响因子IF 3.7 (2023-07-10)
6. JSE致谢2022年审稿人 (2023-01-09)
7. Call for papers: Special Issue on "Past, present and future of mountain and island systems" (2022-12-20)
8. JSE致谢2021年审稿人 (2022-01-04)
9. JSE入选2021中科院期刊分区表1区TOP期刊 (2021-12-23)
10. JSE 2020 影响因子IF 4.098 (Q1区) (2021-06-30)
11. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 2019年优秀论文揭晓 (2021-06-16)
12. JSE 2020年CiteScore数据6.2 (2021-06-15)
13. Call for papers: Special Issue on "Poaceae Biogeography" (2021-02-01)
14. JSE致谢2020年审稿人,祝福大家新年快乐! (2021-01-05)
15. Call for papers: Special Issue on "Plant-insect chemical communication in a changing world" (2020-08-26)
16. JSE 2019 影响因子IF 2.779 (Q1区) (2020-06-30)
17. Call for papers: Special Issue on "Cyperaceae in a data-rich era: New evolutionary insights from solid frameworks" (2020-05-08)
18. 2020年2期封面文章介绍:川续断目系统发育研究进展 (2020-03-11)
19. 2019 reviewers list (2020-01-02)
20. 《植物分类学报》(JSE)获“中国科技期刊卓越行动计划”项目资助 (2019-11-26)
21. Call for Papers: Special Issue on “From sea level to world roof: uplift history and biological evolution of the Himalaya” (2019-11-07)
22. JSE再次入选“中国最具国际影响力学术期刊” (2019-11-04)
23. JSE入选第四届中国科协优秀科技论文 (2019-09-29)
24. JSE 2018 Impact Factor is 4.040 (Q1 in Plant Sciences) (2019-06-21)
25. 中国科研人员描述发表被子植物一新科——美丽桐科 (2019-06-19)
26. JSE2018年CiteScore数据4.22 (2019-06-19)
27. JSE公布2017年优秀论文奖,祝贺获奖作者! (2019-06-19)
28. JSE 专辑:亚洲新生代植物群的生态和生物地理意义 (2019-04-17)
29. JSE 2018 reviewers list (2019-01-03)
30. JSE最新文章介绍:辅助识别亚洲内陆荒漠区植被类型的藜科花粉分型新方案  (2018-11-29)
31. JSE入选第三届中国科协优秀科技论文 (2018-10-26)
32. JSE北美专辑文章介绍:大陆桥(Land Bridges) (2018-09-27)
33. JSE专辑:葡萄科植物系统与进化研究进展 (2018-08-14)
34. JSE 2017 Impact Factor is 3.657 (Q1 in Plant Sciences) (2018-06-27)
35. Announcement of the Awards of JSE Outstanding Papers (2016) (2018-04-18)
36. Announcement of the Awards of JSE Outstanding Papers (2008-2013) (2018-03-16)
37. Announcement of the Awards of JSE Outstanding Papers (2014 and 2015) (2018-03-16)
38. JSE 2017 reviewers list (2018-01-02)
39. 被子植物花展示的演化和遗传发育——回顾、动态和展望 (Chinese version of 55.6 Editorial) (2017-12-08)
40. The Shenzhen Declaration is published in JSE (2017-09-19)

Song Ge
Jun Wen
Impact Factor
JCR 2022 IF ranking: 60/238 (Plant Sciences, top 25%, Q2 quartile)
Journal Abbreviation: J Syst Evol
ISSN: 1674-4918 (Print)
1759-6831 (Online)
CN: 11-5779/Q
Frequency: Bi-monthly




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